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Wedge of Cheese

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  • The lack of 'u' is a parody of a parody of a parody of an xkcd strip (which was parodying a darth vader meme), I'm pretty sure. It was basically some darth vader strangling someone else and saying: "I find your lack of 'u' in honour disturbing". The point of me saying that was because I either do not see or simply ignore your posts, and both of those are sad. meet me at 2k!

    As far as mister avatar goes, I think the black/orange switch concept might be good, but the current implementation is not spot on. I have one 'original' version which I applied filters to to get this current one. Inversion at that stage might be easier.


    No, I have no ideas what filters I used, but it was in Paint.NET.
    Goldberg variations?
    Will edit/double post in response to your last post soon.
    Hmm you know that I dig philosophy since - according to my mind - it can make people better. Can I find those concepts somewhere in a more standalone and less allegorical way (like a book or a treatise) which you hint at your music or mod? Or have you written down your thoughts somewhere more elaborately? The meaning is more important than an allegory. The allegory without getting the meaning is of less value. If the allegory serves to conceal something from others or from me I approve that too - if it`s for the better. My way of lifestyle is "ora et labora", and the first part includes studying morality and philosophy which also improves the latter part...

    I was the judge of which concepts I accepted so far. Needless to say that I made many mistakes during my research to this point, but perseverance and goodwill pushed me slowly forward, refining my views. The mistakes and thorns during the way at least have thought me some endurance...Also I don`t condemn people who were just lucky to have good teachers from the start and initiated to some concepts almost by birthright. Thank you for your response to the "Aim of life" thread, I was counting especially on your and similar peoples advice :)
    References in general, not xkcd references only. Ie, I knew on a bout was a reference, sooooo....

    If you post after anybody with two or more words in their name, you can get five shiny [last word in their name]. The only exception is any form of cheese, which yields radiant cheeses.

    Four of the same shiny/radiant substance can be traded for any one catan resource (lumber sheep wheat etc).

    Any catan resource can be used as it would be in catan to construct things.

    Any currency/substance/resource can be used to build something as you would build it in minecraft.

    If you construct a properly large army, you can wage war on some other player. If you win, you get to choose their location/user title/ signature as applicable for two weeks.

    xD Coldohm.

    The first one mostly, the second was an attempt at an intro, but as you can tell it does not mesh with the first at all. 't's also a seed, so there isn't anything substantial at this point. Just wanted to know A) if there was something horribly wrong at this point and B) how to progress the melody.

    Also I still probably need to know the intervals and such for the second question. Hopefully I'll do that later today. If I'm being frustrating I are be sorry.
    mmkay. that's what I thought. just hoping there was an easy way out.
    I'll do the quiz when i get a chance
    Basically I want to know how one would construct a baseline to go with a melody that already exists.
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