Well, since they're populating a town that's Quote-sized, and often interacting with the Quote-sized protagonist...
They obviously need to be 64 x 64.
Security guards, automated guns and raptors are no trouble.
But you ask him to remove the funny bone without touching the sides and he goes freaking MENTAL.
Shouldn't be too hard.
Just a couple linebreaks...
Bypass the main security net...
Disable the automated turrets...
Run through a velociraptor-infested jungle...
And then remove the funny bone without touching the sides.
Well that's nice mister "I have a better graphics card that can display more than 1024 x 782". |P
And my pages have been stretching for a while now.
Just didn't feel like saying anything.
But since I'm in a bad mood today I figured "Eh, what the hell."