Mr.Traveler Sep 22, 2011 It's free, man. How can you be so melancholy about a multiplayer Zelda game?!
Mr.Traveler Sep 21, 2011 Legend of Zelda: Four Swords? It's basically multiplayer Zelda. It's coming onto DSiWare for free sometime this month, and I'm assuming it's online.
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords? It's basically multiplayer Zelda. It's coming onto DSiWare for free sometime this month, and I'm assuming it's online.
Kuro Sep 19, 2011 Maybe if I get a better computer, get a mouse or something... I'll try again. Sorry.
Mr.Traveler Sep 17, 2011 Registered you. I have no online games right now, but I gotta gather some bros together for when Four Swords comes out!
Registered you. I have no online games right now, but I gotta gather some bros together for when Four Swords comes out!
Kuro Sep 16, 2011 I've kind of given up hope. You don't wanna see it. I may try at another time. I only have a mouse pad.
I've kind of given up hope. You don't wanna see it. I may try at another time. I only have a mouse pad.
Voyce Sep 8, 2011 please upload the game folder, ill see what the problem is. im guessing its the start event ID that doesnt correspond to the event id set.
please upload the game folder, ill see what the problem is. im guessing its the start event ID that doesnt correspond to the event id set.
Kuro Sep 5, 2011 Ooh. Um, I've never tried before, but it'd be a skill I could use for a while. Give me like minor pics of the characters and I could try and make some for ya.
Ooh. Um, I've never tried before, but it'd be a skill I could use for a while. Give me like minor pics of the characters and I could try and make some for ya.
Cave Story Sep 4, 2011 I'm considering it, I downloaded Noxid's text-based modding guide but I've only gotten through half of it so far. Was there something you needed?
I'm considering it, I downloaded Noxid's text-based modding guide but I've only gotten through half of it so far. Was there something you needed?
Voyce Sep 4, 2011 write the entire room script here and the entire script that transports to that room / the start script number if thats the first room.
write the entire room script here and the entire script that transports to that room / the start script number if thats the first room.
Lace Sep 3, 2011 If you hadn't read my visitor messages you could've maintained that illusion for a while!