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  • thecrown said:
    I almost bought Metal Gear, but LBP went bye-bye. At least my brother's winter break is FINALLY over, so he's gone too.
    Wait, does that mean he took the PS3 with him, or LBP just quit on you?
    thecrown said:
    I sure thought your level rocked.
    That first boss use to be a lot harder, but after people raged at me for dying like 20 times in a row, I had to slow down all the firing rates of the plasma balls.
    Too bad you didn't get to see the Epic Balrog fight, which I fixed right after you left >.>;
    {Still can't figure out why the winch disappeared in the first place, though}
    I guess I'm going to try and get on now, since Starcraft is empty as usual, and I should probably work a bit on my own level.
    I don't see them too often, but the community does have a lot of things like every 3 out of 2 comments being "HEART4HEART" or "PLAY MY LEVEL ITS COOL".
    Which is one reason I'm afraid to release my level :rolleyes:
    Heh, I just search for the Most Hearted or Busiest games.
    Usually finds some really great levels. {I spent like a day or two just playing that Train one}
    Now that's neat.
    Reminds me of the "Physics glitch" where you have a giant block {So big, it's the level itself} get pushed up and down by a Piston at a rate so fast that you don't see it move, and Sackboy just asks really weird when on it. {Floats, bounces off everything, etc}
    Have you also seen the Train levels? There's a sorta glitch, where an emitter constantly spawns giant blocks of land on glass at a fast rate, so while the Train is actually standing in one place, it looks like it's constantly speeding to the left, making the map seem infinity large.
    Wind machine, what? {Water pack, I assume}

    Yeah, multiple objects take up a lot of space, no matter how tiny they are.
    To put it this way, Pixeled Curly, where she has one tiny block for each Pixel, overloads the map much faster if I have an emitter spit out a bunch of clones than Solid Curly, who's blocks are all connected, colour-wise.
    I haven't ran into problems with the Thermometer unless I'm screwing with the game's physics, but after I finish this 3rd boss, I might be only able to add one more, depending on what it is....
    thecrown said:
    You must have a stinkin' photographic memory! How can you copy all the graphics from Sacred Grounds into another game? I even screw up the Curly sprite and I'v hot a picture right next to me!
    The tileset was actually ripped and already up on SMWCentral {It's the reason why I even thought about attempting this}, but it's not perfect >.>;
    As for Butes and stuff, they're rather easy to draw by hand, or simply copy/paste. The real challenge is getting the palettes to work. SMW is such a pain when it comes to that.
    thecrown said:
    Now I am nervous about the progress I'm making. my brother is going back to college and intends to take his rightfully-owned PS3!
    Now that's a nasty creation of a deadline.
    thecrown said:
    Do you have Water?
    The new download pack?
    Not yet, but I plan on getting it soon.
    {I love screwing around with the physics practically more than actually creating anything, and the water would open up a whole new lane...}
    If you're having a problem working on the level because of school, don't worry about it.
    It should be considered a hobby, like playing a game, and not something you need to rush because of some deadline.
    I've hardly gotten anything done on a number of things for a similar reason. {Haven't had a single full night of sleep for awhile, and I don't function so well without a good amount}
    When I work on that boss level, I usually start and finish a boss in a relatively short amount of time, and then have some lengthy break before I repeat.
    If you're not busy this weekend, I'm sure you'd have time for working on it, and I could send you the Curly object I finished.
    This must be remedied.
    Anyways, here goes...
    I don't have the Metal Gear Solid pack. I wanted to do the Core because it would most involve the water pack's features and I could use the Super Missile launcher. I don't plan on going to school tomorrow because of tests, so between cramming with a self induced stomachache I hope to get some work done on the level and maybe I can send it to you soon. Or maybe by then I'll have the proper pack anyway.

    Can you tell I've got a few more drugs in my system than usual?
    I haven't seen any friends requests when I've tried playing LBP....
    And, probably. But it wouldn't stay a secret if you said it on my profile page for anyone to view.
    Oh, no, I wanted to add another boss or two before publishing it. {Sisters will probably be stand-alone, though}
    I could show it off to friends easily enough if I was the host in a group, so I didn't have much of a reason to publish it....
    It looks like you haven't published before, so we can share levels by locking it (use the right analog stick), publishing, and sending each other the level keys from the tools bag. Unless it was changed again, I'll do this as soon as I get enough internet. Didn't you publish that boss level that you talked about?
    I just finished a sprite version of Curly, if you want that :D;
    {Also nearly finished the general build of the Dragon Sisters}
    Just checked, and...
    thecrown said:
    I'm not finding VoidMage_Lowell, else I'll have to use the photo tool and that's kind of tedious and lacks detail.
    Actually, I think they may have allowed me to use my underscore, as I'm listed as VoidMage_Lowell in my contacts list. {I need make a list or something....}
    From what I've read, you can only listen to music off your hard drive while in your pod or while in custom creation, you can't put it in your level...
    Bummer, but you can understand why. {Policing it would be hell}
    Oh, looked like regular equipment to me XD

    And yeah, give as much credit as possible. {Music from Cave Story by Studio Pixel, or such}
    But how will you use the music on LBP? {Unless those DLC packs I haven't gotten yet make it easy}
    Or are you just really good with the sound effects, like on those music maps? {They seemed like a lot of work, to me. A Balrog theme would be epic...}
    I use PSN, but like most places they detest the underscore, so I'm simply VoidMageLowell.
    Oh, and if you want really great custom costumes, you should try stickering your outfits. That way you can get them the colour you want. {I made the neatest little Lowell sackboy}
    For even more complicated costumes, you can make customs stickers {Probably using the PS3 photo thingy} for costumes like Jack Skeelington or Bender from Futurama.
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