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  • Also there's a button that sends your pet to town to sell their inventory (not the stuff equipped to them). Their inventory is as large as the player's. No more going back to town to sell, or making difficult decisions to save inventory space.
    Už jsem tu něco přes rok, většinou jsem jen zkoušel módy a prohrabával v různých threadech, ale zapomněl jsem heslo, tak jsem založil nový účet. Překlad je dělán s diakritikou, jestli se na to chceš podívat, PMni mi svůj email.
    Well, Lowell and Khan are basically two original characters that we came up with. I came up with Lowell and he came up with Khan.
    I can't really speak for Khan, as he had his character thought up and made before I had met him, but I messed with the thought of my character starting a few years or so ago, and have only begun shaping his actual character a year or two ago. {Compared to Khan, who had art and I think maybe even a story or two over his guy before I had even known him}
    Lately, we've been using them in different things. {On Starcraft, for example, there's a map Khan made called Random Villian Arena, and both he and I appear as playable characters, complete with our own abilities. We even use the custom character creation on Soul Caliber IV to create them there. By pure coincidence, one character could wield a gun, which Khan used, and another had an ability just like the Void, for Lowell}
    Because of this, and because I love making games/modding so much, I started thinking up a backstory or something of how these two met and became friends.
    LMAP skips that completely, though, and just thrusts them into CS. :rolleyes:
    And I suppose Khan's technically not a 'RL friend', mostly because the distance between us is pretty vast, but we're pretty damn good friends. To put it into perspective, I've used something like Skype with him, while I've rejected all requests with users here.

    As for "dood", I've seen so many different people use it in so many different places, I'm starting to wonder if it didn't start with Disgaea.
    Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was added as official slang; so I don't really care about it anymore :D;
    1) *Shrug*
    I like the idea of giving people the benefit of the doubt.
    But now I can always say I tried, and that gives me resolve and eliminates any more doubts.
    2) I'm still kinda working on the mask {That's what it's suppose to be, but GIR mentioned it looked like face paint >.>;}, but it's just me celebrating Halloween.
    And I'm multiclassing :rolleyes:;
    I... am probably better than you, but that's not saying much. I have it on my agenda to practice drawing anyway, so let's hear your idea. Over PM, so the idea isn't stolen.
    Yeah. BTW, what I meant was more like DB's reward, that you get to decide what does he find, not what does he do.
    That's your fault. I remember this one time I forgot a line from Invader Zim, and I was HORRIFIED.
    "Praise me! PRAISE ME!" is also from Invader Zim.
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