Oh joy! This countryballs thing looks cool! *5 minutes later* These are pretty good! Let's see if I can dig deeper.... *15 minutes later* WHY DID I LOOK THIS UP I'M SCARRED FOR LIFE
If you're looking back over the year and thinking "Fuck, I did nothing AGAIN! I'm such a bad person..." keep in mind that millions of other people feel the same way and you don't need to be perfect- you need to be you. Happy new years everybody!
Everyone always makes a huge deal out of stepping on a lego. It can't be THAT bad... *Proceeds to step on a lego* Hello, this is 911, what is your emergency?
As for me... Humans, elves, foxes, lizards, angels, demons, cats, and rectangular idols are the best
...Everything but coffee! I'm still working on that...