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  • ¿Si eres Puertoriqueño, por qué no usas espacios después de tus períodos?
    Sorry for the poor spanish (practice is always nice), but I've been wondering for a while.
    Does Spanish not uses spaces after punctuation?
    I'm sorry that you had to find out this way, but being subtle didn't quite seem to work.
    Also you're forgetting to put a space after the period again.
    Please put your 'translation' in one spoiler at the end of your message as other people may not enjoy sifting through to try and find what you've said.
    Hey, you`re Puerto Rican, that means you are native in Spanish. I`m in a country where nobody speaks Spanish, and have practically no opportunity to speak it with anybody. Your language is beautiful that`s why I`m learning it. Any chance we could practice a little on IRC or via messaging? Saludos, trickybilly :)
    GIR, Noxid and Cultr1 are operators on that channel. They have a gold star beside their names. If one of them is online, and they don't give you voice right away, type /msg <name> <user>. For instance, /msg GIR Give me voice you lazy bum.
    I don't know your timezone, so I'll assume you live in the eastern United States, in which case the best time to be on IRC is after 7 PM.
    Hum, I was working on my mod (creating a music / trying to put, and actually failing at putting a background in my maps / finding a way to make some new weapons) but right now I'm going to sleep...
    Hope I did not upset you rating that Sonic music 2/10. I didn`t want to btw. I like Sonic much too, but it would be unfair to you if I was not honest at rating. Other Sonic songs are just better than the one you`ve posted.
    He's a socially retarded dutch boy who made a dozen alternate accounts on the forum after getting banned every time and every single member at least dislikes him.
    boy it sure would be nice if I had lots of money to waste on stuff like that
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