Ah, what do you mean it doesn't follow the player? Doesn't the <UNI command just set a variable or something that causes the game to use a different set of physics?
Which leads me to determine that quote's framerects are global vars, so I search for 49E69C in the ASM Dump which leads me to00415495 > \8B15 9CE64900 MOV EDX,[49E69C]
0041549B . 8955 F0 MOV [EBP-10],EDX
0041549E . A1 A0E64900 MOV EAX,[49E6A0]
004154A3 . 8945 F4 MOV [EBP-C],EAX
004154A6 . 8B0D A4E64900 MOV ECX,[49E6A4]
004154AC . 894D F8 MOV [EBP-8],ECX
004154AF . 8B15 A8E64900 MOV EDX,[49E6A8]
004154B5 . 8955 FC MOV [EBP-4],EDX