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  • xenforo is ok but the quicknav is atrocious like jeez
    Some random guy
    Some random guy
    I can't stop thinking about how you used the words atrocious and jeez in the same sentence
    It really shouldn't bother me but it's driving me insane
    Besides the shrinking pains with the Media feature, the only trouble I have with XenForo is the fact that I'm constantly stuck in mobile mode. Granted, the mobile site is very well designed, but it can be a little stifling!
    how many times can Zero die anyway
    the best part is in x3 he only has one life
    As many times as the fans want him back! He's functionally immortal.
    *notes down "Anything called Zero is either a symbol, and thus immortal, or the fans always want them back, so functionally immortal."*
    Alright, I didn't want to re-open the topic for this, but in your WAV ORG hack, what the hell is RunMe.bat and where is it? I honestly have no idea what you're talking about when you ask about it.
    is it not in the zip somewhere, idk, the whole thing was made like a hundred years ago
    Xcuse my ignorance, but why is the word cool and a "peace" of pizza in your sig?
    its a forum badge
    I awarded it to myself
    you are winner
    The new version of chrome on Android is shitty I want to go back
    Ironically, today is the first time I've ever used chrome on android.
    "new tab" is now two clicks away, and the action to reveal your active tabs is a swipe instead of a press
    as well I'm pretty sure the address bar didn't used to be this large and barren??
    The wonderful thing about Android is that you can probably find a list of APKs somewhere, download the one you used to use, and do just that. :3
    If someone comments on your profile post you can reply to their comment by adding a comment yourself. You don't need to make a new profile post just to reply to something.
    when putting Arguments into EAX using TSC by calling 421900, does only 4 bytes get actually put into EAX to make 4 digits or does the whole Dword get stuffed into eax and only the last 4 bytes get read under normal circumstances? if it is the second how would you go about getting the full Dword into eax?
    ok look. one, there's no need to be snippy. I'm trying to guide you towards the right answer because it's better for you to figure it out than for me to just tell you how to do it.
    and two, yeah? maybe? I mean, the core concepts carry over no matter what language you're using but C is probably both the closest to ASM you'll find, and the lingua franca of psuedocode. Having at least a basic understanding of programming concepts will help you make sense of things a lot easier. We need to be able to at least speak the same language to communicate effectively.

    So if I were to make a recommendation then yes, take a break from the ASM. Read some beginner's C/C++, when I was starting out I carried a copy of Stroustroup's C++ book with me to work for months and tried to figure out a bit every day. You won't get anywhere by just bashing your head against it alone.
    Sorry, That was suppose to come across as being frustrated at myself for being naive, not anythingaggressivee toward you.

    I know you're trying to teach me to teach myself, if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish you feed him for a lifetime. I'm not a stranger to your teaching methods, like how you has me dissassemble some raw 86 code to find out how stuff works myself.

    I'll do that, I've been procrastination learning C for a month now...It's time to start and get some stuff done.
    Alright I bought a physical copy of the book, it will arrive in a few days...

    In the meantime:

    0 = 00
    1 = 01
    2 = 02
    3 = 03
    4 = 04
    5 = 05
    6 = 06
    7 = 07
    8 = 08
    9 = 09
    : = 0A
    ; = 0B
    < = 0C
    = = 0D
    > = 0E
    ? = 0F


    ASCII arg in TSC is
    0042 = 00000402
    2666 = 02060606

    Call ASCII to num
    EAX = 00000402

    imul ah, ah, 10 ;ah = 40
    add al, ah ;al = 42

    mov [variable] al

    Call ASCII to num
    EAX = 02060606

    imul ah, ah, 10 ;ah = 60
    add al, ah ;al = 66
    mov dh [variable] ;EDX = 00004200
    shl edx 2 ;EDX = 00420000
    mov dl, al ;EDX = 00420066
    shr eax, 4 ;ah = 02 EAX = 00000206
    imul ah, ah, 10 ;ah = 20
    add al, ah ;al = 26
    mov dh, al ;EDX = 00422666

    mov [edx], TSC arg

    I had to think about that one for a little while while taking a shower. also I'm not sure if i used SHL and SHR the right way...
    everybody please calm the h*ck down and stop posting passive-aggressive / normal-aggressive statuses thanks
    You should try making Booster's Lab look more metro / windows 10-like.
    all hail the
    beloved enter key
    creator of many
    a useless newline
    The whole time I thought he meant operating system as a joke and not open source. wow I'm dumb
    I did mean operating system (as a joke)
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