cultr1 Mar 4, 2011 30 minutes of touhou remix goodness. You can download the .rar with all 16 mp3s for free in the description, and put them on that music playing device which you seem incapable of utilizing. 30 minutes of touhou remix goodness. You can download the .rar with all 16 mp3s for free in the description, and put them on that music playing device which you seem incapable of utilizing.
Hintak Feb 15, 2011 Ok, so I just found this :3
cultr1 Feb 3, 2011 Good. The sooner the ban is lifted, the sooner he can prove he is incapable of changing, then perma-ban.
Good. The sooner the ban is lifted, the sooner he can prove he is incapable of changing, then perma-ban.
Hintak Feb 1, 2011 Ugh, Landon. Why must your profile pic look so... Gay, I guess. Or maybe ferroelectric.