S S Slither Dec 26, 2011 Ohright, sorry. There's five people right now, but JERSE seems to not be here. You could take his place if he doesn't come soon. EDIT: no screw that, I'll just make a sixth. You can join anytime.
Ohright, sorry. There's five people right now, but JERSE seems to not be here. You could take his place if he doesn't come soon. EDIT: no screw that, I'll just make a sixth. You can join anytime.
Hiino Dec 7, 2011 What kind of error is that? Anyway, I just found out some bugs in my mod so it doesn't matter, I'll reupload it asap with another website.
What kind of error is that? Anyway, I just found out some bugs in my mod so it doesn't matter, I'll reupload it asap with another website.
Noxid Dec 6, 2011 yes, the recent plague on the forums is all part of my grand machinations to get an upgrade to the forum system
yes, the recent plague on the forums is all part of my grand machinations to get an upgrade to the forum system
S S Slither Dec 6, 2011 I'm not sure what you mean, but okay. ... I C WAT U DID THAR. To my knowledge I think now I have three people "copying" my avatars, and three(?) people quoting me in their sig.
I'm not sure what you mean, but okay. ... I C WAT U DID THAR. To my knowledge I think now I have three people "copying" my avatars, and three(?) people quoting me in their sig.