GunbladeMaster34 Jul 5, 2012 I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!! <a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a></a>
I DON'T BELIEVE THIS!!!! <a href='' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a></a>
MMXPERT Jul 4, 2012 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
duncathan Jun 25, 2012 Hint: typing with a southern drawl will only make you look more and more like an idiot, an it's unbearably annoying.
Hint: typing with a southern drawl will only make you look more and more like an idiot, an it's unbearably annoying.
GunbladeMaster34 Jun 18, 2012 Ugg... makin' a mod is ALMOST easy, but I don't know how to make my own cutscenes, and sumthin' else.
Ugg... makin' a mod is ALMOST easy, but I don't know how to make my own cutscenes, and sumthin' else.
Shimmyzmizz Jun 15, 2012 To reply to today's thread that you bumped, without bumping it myself, yes, we here have thought of a possible relation. We've had threads on it, in fact, there's a relatively young thread here: on that topic.
To reply to today's thread that you bumped, without bumping it myself, yes, we here have thought of a possible relation. We've had threads on it, in fact, there's a relatively young thread here: on that topic.
Hina Jun 12, 2012 6. You are allowed to bump old threads only providing it is with a post that contributes to that thread's original topic rather than that thread's current topic of conversation (i.e. replying to someone from 2 years back is not cool).
6. You are allowed to bump old threads only providing it is with a post that contributes to that thread's original topic rather than that thread's current topic of conversation (i.e. replying to someone from 2 years back is not cool).
GunbladeMaster34 Jun 11, 2012 I saw some Cave Story FPS on YouTube, but I can't find the link for it. Can anyone help?