• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
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  • Hey H/V triggers run an event on touch with with a horizontal/vertical line formed by the entitiy? Eh?
    Meh. I really enjoyed that song.
    What about rainbow resort?

    And that is some premium precussion in that YouTube song, can't wait till it's done!
    Oy GIR! May I use your OoT forest temple remix? I have a room that would be soooo perfect! If it isn't used of course...
    Cool beans. Wait have you even begun work on Geno? If not I have a quicker solution
    Eh... The accordian reminded me of a harpsichord because there was no slur and most time accordian=slur?

    I make sleep now.
    Ah well.
    I bought an app that can download files and I download the music bundle and just listened to it, awesome! I discovered I really enjoy Echo, now that there's no matrix to distract me from it. And Girl by the Windowside is good too. How did you simulate a harpsichord in ORGmaker?
    Ugh. My computer is being stoled by dad. Lame.

    I will just have to download it tomorrow.

    This has been bugging me for a while:
    why did you name two songs "Putrid" and "Putrid 2?"
    I don't get it.

    WARNING: my iPhone may crap out on me, it's been really moody recently.
    If I disappear, I probably didn't die.
    Wheee music bundle!

    I'm looking forward to Light, Echo, and Sunset 3 and the rest! But those the most. And Endless Mine.
    yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes i want all of them songs! :|D
    especially Light, Putrid 2, Sunset 3... well all of them!
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