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  • By the way... was there something else going on...?
    You just seemed to overreact a lot from that guy's behavior...
    Sure, he was bad, but there's a lot worse, you seemed to act like he was cussing us out and starting flame wars left and right...
    I haven't been in a happy mood lately, honestly, and would've just ignored him normally...
    Either way, I don't care if he comes back or not, sure Noxid and DoubleThink will handle any mess... {Already embarrassed at trying to set some newbies in line about wrong posting, only to have one of those two merge/move posts, making what I did a bit childish...}
    After careful review by our expert staff, the offending member has been banned for an indeterminate amount of time until they're not a total buhol
    I guess you would be the only authority on that.
    Oh, you're on your phone...?
    Addicted much...? Or do you just lack a computer for the moment, for some reason...?
    cultr1 said:
    You have already told a moderator to "stop pussyfooting and GTFO" and managed to get the clamest and most levelheaded user to call you a douche.
    I'm sure you just misspelled 'Calmest', though, as 'clamest' be not a word...
    Honestly, I lol'd...
    Yeah, I know these sorts of people, and already talked a bit with Noxid about it, but don't expect a ban or anything anytime soon, not unless he starts up some real flame wars...
    Don't really worry about apologizing or whatever, he'll be gone from boredom or whatever soon enough. Sincerely doubt he'll stick around for long...

    Though, if you do want to apologize... Clammy...?
    I have a question, why do you expect me to not abide by your requests, Ellis Hammond-Pereira? Is their no end to YOUR jackassery?
    Alright fine. However, could you be slightly less of a douche? And not mention my name in return? Yes, you mentioned it.
    mount the miku

    This text stuck out when I read it.

    I am now going to go aquire it through legal means. And hey, maybe I'll KEEP the japanese interface (you know, wouldn't be fun if it wasn't a challenge).
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