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Captain Fabulous

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  • lmao, it's your comments on my page that *force* me to pull the 'back in my day' crap on you. You just make it overly, OVERLY obvious that you're a kid! I'm sorry, man!
    Seriously, though, you're *STILL*, even THIS DEEP in the argument, basing your opinion of Alyx *AS A CHARACTER* on pointless things like AI and gameplay mechanics. You really don't understand anything I've been trying to say at all!
    Even though you openly like HL2, you still don't get the *artistic value* of games, and thus, no matter what you say to me at this point, I'm positive you really *don't* understand.
    It doesn't help that, like other furries I've met (though I consider myself one as well in some ways, they seriously *all* have this same exact attitude problem...) you refuse to listen. It's too bad, I'd like to have pals on here, not 'rivals' or anything... I'll just stop this pointless argument before it makes you even more flustered. Oh, well.
    First of all, again, you're digging too into the *gameplay* and comparing it to things that make no sense whatsoever to compare it to. I'm sorry, but you keep seeming rather young to me--if you grew up with, like, NES, and then saw games evolve into stuff like HL2, I feel like you'd really be able to understand and respect what it really tried to be as a game--and what I'm trying to say about it.
    It's a great shooter, but it's so much more. The 'shooter' and 'gameplay' crap are so, so so so so little of what makes HL2--and, hell, HL1, and Portal, and TF2, and all these games Valve makes that are so ingenious--a fantastic, unforgettable game.

    And, about Alyx?

    - She's not WHITE. Yes, I said that. Yes, it was my first point. Yes, I'm white.
    - She has an attitude.
    - She has a personality beyond 'help me' and/or 'i love u' (which I expect you to disagree with)
    - She has real dialogue that you can relate to and understand given the current situation
    - She's realistic, and I usually don't even care much for 'realism' in video games--she's just a good, likable 'realistic' compared to so many other female leads
    - She can fight for herself. Again, look at the STORY, not the GAMEPLAY
    - She has a lovely voice actor. It helps.

    I don't want to go on any further in fear of sounding obsessive. I could go on just as far about, say, Dr. Breen, or even Gordon himself. But I'm not going to; I think you should get my point by now.
    lmao, you think I'm mad? I'm just honking your horn or whatever weird metaphor you'd like to use in place of that one
    I do like to defend things I like like that, especially if I feel rather strongly about them. I'm not one of those guys who fan over a female character and fall in love with them or anything, before you get that idea, either--there are just some characters I really like, male ones too.
    And HL2 *is* more like a movie than ... pretty much any video game ever made up to that point, you know? Barring cutscene-filled Final Fantasies and Metal Gears (which are also great), HL2's like *playing* a movie. Of course, there's been a lot more games like that since, trying to be like HL2, but... I don't know. I just have a lot of favoritism for HL2 and really *all* its characters, I think they were *all* written and handled so well, and I just love a lot about Alyx since she's so much different than the cookie cutter female leads you see everywhere else.
    And besides, I'm more angry with how little you care about the lovely Sue ;_;
    How did I miss T-Jack quitting the forums.
    Well shucks.

    Now I'm really sad.
    Heh, your post count is still over 6/day? that's awesome, gives me a hard goal to beat :p
    well aren't you proud?

    less than a year and already at nu...

    You depress me...

    Go outside and get a life.
    Screamy Time. It was a tradition we started on Skype when I would start a call and tell Ralren the one thing he obviously DID NOT WANT TO HEAR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EVER AIEGNJUIAWEUIOGNIOAWNONAWEGHONHENHJNAWEGH, but I would say it anyway. Usually screaming or crying would ensue. We have kept up this tradition and used it in times such as now when SOMETHING GOES HORRIBLY FUCKING WRONG CAVESTORYWIIWARAEIIONWIOANEOIIOAEHNSAEHOINOLNAWEOHNHOENAIOSNH
    Eh? It's the same link I gave Lace, and it worked for him (or he hasn't told me if it didn't, but that was a while ago) so maybe just try again later.
    Hey, you use a Mac right? Could you maybe test this out for me and see if it works? I've already tested it on Windows, and in theory it should work on other operating systems. Note that it sometimes takes a while before the graphics start rendering, so be patient.
    Yea, I'm back, sorta. wifi card burned out on my computer after it had to be reset. Nasty business and all...
    I am sorry if I did or said anything to upset you. If you can name it, I might change my behaviour and correct my mistakes in the future. I always thought about you as an upright guy, so criticism from you is very welcomed. I just want to be friends with you and with everybody at Mirai and to have a good time on the forums. Best wishes.
    I'm sure you can be more poetic than that, sir.
    The implications of 2000 posts are mildly alarming.
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