• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT
Captain Fabulous

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  • It's ok I make fix. It was under My Details, I saw a screenshot on an old thread of it being under 'edit your avatar'

    eh oh well
    Yeah I'm planning to make tetris easier too, since if I make it not insta-kill, well then it'll be easier.

    Chapter 3 is easier though, since there's just enemies there. With the added hp of easy and your guns doing more damage than in normal, that area is easier.

    And chapter 1 had some brutal jumps. They allowed for little to no mistakes. This was remedied a bit in easy by redoing the whole map.

    Chapter 4 is probably the least easiest though, and I will be looking to make it easier once I've gotten chapter 5 for regular mode finished.
    Not too much farther, you're like 1/2 or 2/3 done in the matrix.

    The key in that room is persistence. (Oh and I'm going to make it shorter next release too, because I've gotten a bunch of comments on it).
    You realize you have to post the comment on my page for me to see it, right?

    And also, that first area is about as easy-ish as it gets. It doesn't really require much skill.

    But yes, you probably should be afraid of "normal" (aka insane) if easy (aka the real normal) was hard.
    Yes. I did play it on easy, because I wanted to finish it, THEN challenge myself. Unfortunately, Easy put me in a homicidal mood, so I'm terrified of Normal.
    As for making it easier, allow some more room for error in the red and green areas (electric and space), and possibly make Pipe Fields less huge or more straightforward.
    By the way, I never found the rocket launcher, but I did the Bat and Tetris missions.
    Just wondering, did you play on easy?

    And if so, where/how could it be easier? Because I always can make it easier, but I don't have any testers for the easy version.
    You say that as though I didn't already spend all my free time there.
    I was 3rd daily highscore for Tetris 1989 on two seperate occasions, you know.
    I've yet to get 999,999 :[
    True, true, although I actually didn't see enough of Calvin and Hobbes to get to Calvinball, but, oh well.
    Just by looking at those links I get it now, D'OH! Yeh I've played both aready I just wasn't seein' the problem, I thought it was going to be an awesome face type thing.

    IDEA! Heavy press with awesome face instead of eye. I'm totally going to make that.
    No not that one I remember when that was your avi originally

    no I meant the on that had "wat" on it

    Nevermind about what I said minutes ago that you won't see for a day or so. I found it re-posted on Ambrosia's site, but I couldn't search for it because it was spelled wrong when it was re-posted.

    I have the Manticore as my ship now. Light Weaponry Variant, I think. Only, there's one huge problem: I can't find the bug-fix! The wiki's links are all old and broken, and for some reason there's no decent Google results for it. Since you know some things I don't, I'll ask you for you help in finding it.

    ...Oh, and while I was looking around on the EV Nova site, I found a list of bugs and their fixes. Apparently there is a bug that gets rid of the chance of Polaris' first mission. To that end, I got what should be a fix for it, but I'm kind of afraid to leave Scheall without a proper Ion cannon to go test it out.

    Anyway, yeah. One bug fixed, now on to the other.
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