Recent content by Betajoe7

  1. Betajoe7

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I'm trying to start a boss fight that begins with the doctor in his muscle form, and when I type this in and use a Horz/Vert trigger (I checked, it works) to start the script, it doesnt even show the boss at all. Help? <KEY<CNP0420:0267:0000<WAI0010<ANP0420:0007:0000<END
  2. Betajoe7


    I'll try to work out the awkwardness that you have described as soon as possible. I had originally made the second walking sprite look like his legs were indeed crossed, like in the looking down sprite. I shall reduce the damage for the level one X Saber, as you said. I honestly expected this...
  3. Betajoe7

    MMX I am currently making a mod simply called "X". I saw someone who was already creating a Mega Man mod, so I thought I'd create one for Mega Man X instead. I'm only planning as of right now to finish textures for my mod before I do major scripting. So far, I have created...
  4. Betajoe7

    Weapon Properties Editor?

    Bah, I'm so stupid!
  5. Betajoe7

    Weapon Properties Editor?

    I have been trying to use CaveEditor to modify the weapon properties, but it will not allow me to open the mod I am using, as I am already using Boosterlab to mod... And therefore, my question for you guys is: Has someone made a separate program specifically for modifying the weapon properties...
  6. Betajoe7

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    Omg, dude, I have been waiting so long for a better CS editor that wont destroy all my dang levels and corrupt my data.... This editor is AMAZING! Much simpler to use and understand.
  7. Betajoe7

    Cave Story 2

    Holy Crap, You are such a troll! I was laughing so freakin' hard!
  8. Betajoe7

    So,what brought you here?

    So,what brought you here?
  9. Betajoe7

    Hey Lunarsoul.

    Hey Lunarsoul.
  10. Betajoe7

    Ame Manga

    Is that supposed to be Misery?
  11. Betajoe7

    HEY!! hows it going

    HEY!! hows it going
  12. Betajoe7

    Jenka's Nightmare Revived - Final release

    Re: Jenka's Nightmare Revived i see u guest
  13. Betajoe7

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAH???!?!??!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your NEW

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAH???!?!??!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your NEW
  14. Betajoe7


  15. Betajoe7

    could you help me with a mod?

    could you help me with a mod?