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Talking to myself...

May 12, 2006 at 8:16 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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I haven't been posting much,but i still read the forum and i'm starting to get mad.wathcing you smart people talk about hacking,and modding and stuff like that.so i'm sitting here typing on my Mac and being really annoyed at it because it won't even let me play cave story,let alone mods.i don't expect anyone to post in this thread,but i just needed to get that off my chest.

By the way..has anyone tried to make mapsof the rest of the island?i still think its a good idea....but maybe thats just me....sigh....
May 12, 2006 at 10:51 PM
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Quote009 said:
By the way..has anyone tried to make mapsof the rest of the island?i still think its a good idea....but maybe thats just me....sigh....

I don't know about good maps of the island, but I tried to figure out generally where I think the pieces go :
This is from the questions about cave story thread...
Although, it doesn't account for the 3rd dimension; I lined up all of the in game screens by the doors; I'll post a larger picture of it if you want;


This shot is lousy and an old guess [but you can see all of Pixel's island at once] Parts need to be rotated in 3d, but it looks possible:
What this means though, is there could be quite a bit left unexplored! [especially when accounting for the 3rd dimension]

I'm eager to see it :) [although most of the island probably should be solid...]
May 15, 2006 at 4:36 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Posts: 31
i wont to put a picture of what i think the island might be like,but i dont know how.can someone help?
May 19, 2006 at 9:45 PM
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Assuming you've created your picture, you'll have to upload it to some place like Imageshack. This will put the picture online.
Then go to advanced post mode and click on the little picture of the mountains right under the size toolbar. Put in the URL of your picture and it should display. :eek:
The advanced post should look like this without the underscores.

[IMG_]your picture's link[_/IMG]
May 19, 2006 at 10:53 PM
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Just a question. doesn't the outer wall start on the right side? you come out of the egg corridor but that could mean that everything is reversed. In other words you are seeing everything in Outer wall and Egg Corridor switched around
May 19, 2006 at 11:22 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Since it's a 2D sidescroller, you have to account for the fact that in an actual map of the place, each screen may not lay along the same planes. Each time you go through a door, you don't know what kind of angles you're encountering.

The way I see it, the game is probably full of small corridors, foyers, or what have you that are just skipped because the only purpose is to go from one door to another, and it would be silly to represent it in a screen where you load, walk two tiles, and exit. Any of these unseen places could turn the plane in one direction or the other.

Technically, if you did go straight through one door and out the other side (both maps along the same plane), you'd have to flip the second map, because it's only by convention that we think of "right" on one map as going in the same direction as "right" on the next. But when you think about it, going through a door flips the camera angle.

So it's all really open to interpretation. Unless your setting is naturally linear (like a highway), you'll always have ambiguity when translating from a 2D representation to a 3D map.