bro life kinda wack, it's been a month and I'm barely working on stuff planned from 2 months ago
New Features
This game is a remake of the 2D exploration-adventure title Ib, set in a creepy, mysterious art gallery and originally released in February 2012. Virtually all of the graphics have been updated, with many upgraded and additional effects as well.
- Significantly improved screen resolution and graphics allow players to experience a
classic in a whole new light.- Brand new graphics for maps, characters, and stills.
- Addition of all-new and redesigned pieces of artwork.
- Further improvements upon the original concept of making the game enjoyable for
Players of all level through optimizations to the many puzzles in-game.- Brand new puzzles, effects, and tricks that were not present in the original.
- Addition of “Zoom Mode” for improved visibility, allowing players to spot small items more easily and view the many pieces of artwork in greater detail.
- New “conversation system” allows companions to offer hints and engage in conversation.
- Brand new BGM composed specifically for the remake.