Hi there, I was just wondering if the <a href='https://soundcloud.com/groups/organya-pxtone-vault' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>SoundCloud</a> group was still active. It's just that I haven't seen any new ORGs popping up recently and I recall submitting a couple of my own.
...I think it's time for another round of...! Gamemanj Late Birthday Post! Now with 2 more sentences mentioning the fact it exists before. Still need to write that bot. Probably will *never* get around to it.
I guess im good with Palutena??? Idk i said I was good with Dr.Mario last time but when i went online today i got my butt kicked until i played Palutena
Today I noticed that there was a following thing next to the picture I posted a comment on. Then I realized I can follow albums. And apparently after over 280 pictures I am the first person to follow the Grand Gallery of Gardevoir Pics.
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I think there were tons of ass-pulls from L, and a lesser extent N, but I don't the end was horrid.
I do like how it took both mellow and Near beat light even though they (and L) could have never done it by themselves.
Though it would have been nice to see light win and a sequel with the note slowly corrupting light to his doom.