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I just downloaded your NewGame+ demo (specifically, this one), and there's no Doukutsu.exe, which is needed to run the TSC in the first place. How do I get it up and running?
I tried replacing the data file with the mod file, even going so far as to rename the latter "data", but to no avail.
Then, I tried replacing the individual files, and that didn't work either.
So please, for the love of God, answer the following question in a way that my monkey brain can comprehend:
Yeah, no; I know jack sh*t about using Booster's Lab, let alone TSC scripting, and even if I did know what I was doing, I'm not very confident in my storytelling abilities (I can come up with a million synopses on the fly, but actually putting them into text in a manner that I view as "acceptable" is not my strong suit).
I was admittedly hoping you would continue the mod so that we forumites could play it.
Also, do you know the username of the person who said they wanted to continue the mod in your stead?
I'm sure you could do it :D
Hmm... Well I found the DM, it was @bobbyis. However our last conversation was me saying I might continue the mod if he hadn't. ...Guess I forgot that. Hmmm.

(Btw, have you played the Fourth Ending mod by HaydenStudios?
That is along the lines of Cave Story but new possibilities.)
Well... how about I'll message you if something new gets made~
And on an unrelated note: I wonder if there are any mods built with the Cave Story multiplayer version in mind?
Preesh! :3
Also, the only reason I haven't played the Fourth Ending mod past the kidnapping scene is because, well, I'm a completionist, and I'm worried that the 17 minute timer might impede my ability to grab things like the Bubbler and an extra jar of Jellyfish Juice (not to mention all of those Life Capsules).
this doesn't mean shit; I barely know how Booster's Lab works and "oh god what do i do" doesn't work for some reason
… which version of Booster's Lab?
The files are all there; it's just refusing to follow the links.
also my laptop don't work no more :-(

i loved ratatouille for the gamecube... the physics were very fluid and the difficulty was very well balanced. The story was incredible,, and the characters intriguing as ever.
The 'Dream World' areas were highlights for me !! very platforming based, no story in them, just fun gameplay. now THAT was cool! my favorite is 'Say Cheese!'.

one of my favorite parts is that there are difficulty options!! including easy...normal....HARD.....and NIGHTMARE...............OMG.....
nightmare mode was SOOO hard!! but soooo worth it.... It really makes sense that it would be in ratatouille!

if you're going to play this...def get the PC version....but if get the PC version, make sure you look on the page for the game (ratatouille ASOBO, cause ASOBO made it!) so you can learn how to install it correctly.. it tells u how to get a FRAMELIMITER so the game doesnt run at 5 MILLION FRAMES PER SECOND!!! lots of things BREAK at this framerate, so the guide tells u how to get a framelimiter so you can limit it to liek 60!! much better imo.... GUIDE HERE

the gamecube version runs at 30fps, and the other versions run at 60fps (except for PC of course!!)
so if u want to play a different version, choose wisely!!

ok..... that is my review of ratatouille... lov u all, ratatouille tribute site forums forEVr <3
I got to replay the Wiiware port of Cave story recently, I haven't played it since 2019 according to my save files (and I got it in 2017, wow) and wow this game was cool, but it's so different, I feel like there are many changes that are either bugs or features that didn't make in the other CS+ versions.
For once I played with the Org soundtrack, I never did back then since I never saw the point but I feel like the bass and snare are different, is it possible that they replaced it for one that sounds like more from Megaman? (The text sound has been replaced, they could have done that)
It sounds less sharp and more 8-bit. Speaking of 8-bit.

I realize how much the sounds effects are different, especially, the death sound, it doesn't sound at all like the original, or atleast a channel is missing, I have this weird vibe that every sound effect got one of their sound channel turned down or muted because they all sound different, hell even the orgs are different, some waves just sound weird like the one of Mimiga village and gestation in itself is not the same. I kind of prefer it that way.(Not for Mimiga Village though)
A thing I always liked about Cave Story's different version of the soundtrack is that it reflects perfectly the version that it comes from, original is just 8 bit music made by one guy, New is a soundtrack that lacks some channels or are too quiet and feels unfinished (except some tracks that are much better) and Remastered is what the title says, Cave Story 3D is a remaster of Cave Story to a new generation, completely leaving apart the original intention of a 2D game to be more advanced then that.

Easily one of my favorite ports mainly due to nostalgia.
Progress… Origin's staying in the ideas phase until Terminus is done (I hope), and Terminus has Sector 1 (Origin Cave) fully mapped out. Began on Sector 0 (The Hub), wasted time on "Sector S" (mod's map total reached 181!) but I wanna see how many maps above 127 I can get away with using without the "Failure to read stage" issue.
Yes, I'm writing the mods' names as above (it just seemed fitting to me).
Two months' work and that's all I have for now… but as long as I have fun with modding and take frequent breaks, right?

I mean, that's the main goal of this side project. To find the fun of what I liked about modding, again.
181??? Huh. Didn't know that was possible. It always boggles the mind how far everyone has taken Cave Story, if you look into all the fan projects; mods, music, art, community... It has been a platform for making many dreams...
Indeed… every day's a new opportunity to learn something new, even if times are tougher than a heavy metal critter! (Or something.)

I'm more surprised that Cave Editor's still playing nice even with that many maps. Guess adding maps in Booster's Lab is one way to not break the executable.
I'll be keeping the unuseable maps that bring up "Failure to read stage" errors, though.
if cs freeware is so good then why isnt there a cs freeware+
there is actually, it's just under a different name - kero blaster
also that weird package thing called cave story deluxe
Hi, I may sound a bit obnoxious, but can you please try Doukutsu Randamu? I would be interested on your thoughts on what is basically Cave Story roguelike.
Hi Trashbox! Haha, I'm glad that my CS mod reviews are so heavily sought after. I'll definitely get around to playing your mod and posting feedback in your thread. Plotbomb is currently next in my queue for mods to play and review, and Randamu is next after that. I've never seen a CS mod with procedurally generating levels, so I'll be interested to see how it plays.
Updated my profile on here. First time in seven years that I've actually had an "about me"!

The anomalous version of Pix0101 was uploaded to the now offline Doukutsu Uploader website at some point in 2009 before being removed a week after its upload. "Soap Walker" manifestation encounters seem to result in the lzh being spread from PC to PC in a virus-like manner.
Oh god oh no it's right behind me what do I do
does it do anything to your computer
Soap Walker has been mentioned to have appeared in other places around the victim's PC such as other games, on the desktop while they are away or corrupting files. After 24 hours of opening the PIx0101 exe does it manifest into reality where the victim disappears and Pix0101.lzh is spread to another PC through unknown means.
I really liked the new Matrix.
I really liked it too. There were a lot of ways in which it could have ended up being bad, but I ended up really enjoying it. Some people didn't like it, and I can understand why, but for what it did, I liked it. That being said though, I think that leaving Hugo Weaving and Laurence Fishburne out of the movie was the wrong move.
I also enjoyed it. I saw it was getting some bad reviews before I actually saw it for myself, so I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought it was good