I feel like it's a bit unfair to call the Ridiculon soundtrack straight-up bad. I think its worst offense is being an unfitting soundtrack for a lot of situations. Many of the emotional or more simple songs tend to stick with the rock/metal theme, which can be offputting. Besides that, the actual songs are just fine. It hardly ever does anything different from the original soundtrack, which many people love; the only real difference is the instruments. I get why people may not enjoy it, but that's really more a matter of personal preference.
I think it's hard to make a claim that any of the soundtracks are objectively bad. Most are just the original soundtrack with different instrumentation, which is totally harmless. The only exception to this is the Wiiware/New soundtrack. Admittedly, I think you can easily make a claim that the instrumentation in that soundtrack is bad, but I feel that the songs themselves are a unique take on the original melodies, which I love. I'm super appreciative that Nicalis would go out of its way to continue including more and more soundtracks to supplement the ones we already have. Considering there are so many options now and it's entirely your choice as to which one you want to listen to, I think that's a huge positive point.