A helpful guide by Captain Fabulous.
So, you are presumably somewhat new to the vBulletin system, since most people either figure it out on their own, or hang out on 4chan instead. This guide is here to help you understand the subtle techniques required to make posts consisting of less than 10 characters. I do not recommend you use this often, as you will make a complete idiot out of yourself. Small posts are to be used humorously, like Fire1052's and mine in this same thread. Seriously, fucking hilarious, right?
First of all, the 10 character limit is not universal to all vBulletin message boards, but those that have standards of quality (pause for laughter) tend to avoid short, thoughtless bleating posts. The experienced user can get around it, but if you're going through this much trouble, how stupid can you be, right? So I think it's safe to inform the masses about this trick. It's not really that hard. Stupid people get permabanned anyway.
(Except on these forums.)
Now, the procedure. Suppose you want to type a short message, like "no u." That's only four characters, but anyone who's tried to post ASCII art will notice that vBulletin will delete any amount of spaces in a row. But! It will still count those spaces as characters in your post. All you must do is put seven spaces between "no" and "u," and it will come out as "no u" when you press "Post Reply."
But suppose your message only has one word? "No" is popular with MetaSeraphim. She does it by posting "No .", with seven spaces between the period and the word.
There you go! You're not well on your way to annoying stuck-up verbose types like Lowell with your short and mindless memetic repetitions. If you actually bothered to read this entire post, maybe you need something better to do. Of course, that also means you intend of posting less than 10 characters on a message board, so perhaps not having anything to do is a benefit to humanity.
Talk to you later!