Nov 1, 2015 at 8:13 PM
Join Date: Aug 10, 2015
Posts: 32
Pronouns: he/him
It always kinda bugs me when people refer to Cave Story as an 8-bit game, even though an 8-bit system would NOT be able to handle Cave Story's content. Ballos, the Core, Monster X, and Puu Black are just some things an 8-bit system would have a nearly impossible (if not impossible) time handling. Not to mention the music could be much more 8-bit if Pixel wanted it to be.
Actually, it bugs me even more when the WiiWare port is referred to as 16-bit. I don't even understand this one.
Actually, it bugs me even more when the WiiWare port is referred to as 16-bit. I don't even understand this one.