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Who created Quote and Curly?

Nov 16, 2011 at 8:53 AM
"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Curly and Quote are different from other robots, but Curly just won't tell Quote who the heck sent them.

(Will edit this post when I have a theory)
Nov 16, 2011 at 11:02 AM
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Since we don't know anyone on the surface of cave story's world (besides those that were on the island during the events of cave story) there is little cause for belief that we would know the person in question.
Nov 18, 2011 at 6:56 PM
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I would wager that Quote and Curly weren't created officially by any countries of the earth.

Before, a great number of-
us robots were sent to-
this island...
We were sent by the-
countries of the surface.

The purpose of the mission...
it was the incredible-
slumbering power found on-
this floating island...
And it was also about the-
Demon Crown.
But you and I were different.

We were sent on a mission to-
destroy that power.

Sounds more like an independent group or creator (or "traitor?") sent Q and C on the mission to destroy the Crown.
Chances are the same person who created them sent them on their mission.

Still, andwhyisit is right... there is nothing to point to Q and C's origins or creator. Or even if they are both made by the same creator...

Although it's very highly likely they were created somewhere off of the island :
Are you from this island?

You don't seem like you are.
The letters on your cap-
aren't from here.

Curly>I'm not from around here.

Maybe you're lost?

For a robot you seem to have-
human emotions.

You are different from the-
others who came here-
many years ago.
Not only are they very unique...

But, after completing their mission on the island; they roam freely... not returning to base or their creators. Very odd...

Although, it's good that they don't return; at least if they were created by one of the countries of the surface :
I had heard that they were-
all destroyed after the war...
However, I don't know the-
exact details.

Sounds like anyone who returns will be dismantled...

EDIT: oh yeah, one more thing...
Whoever created Quote and Curly Brace have an odd naming convention... (unless it's standard for robots?)
That could be a clue that both were created by the same person...
Nov 20, 2011 at 12:15 PM
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Pixel :droll:
Nov 20, 2011 at 4:28 PM
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Nov 20, 2011 at 6:38 PM
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I'm guessing Japan.

78% of the world's weirdest shit comes from there.
Nov 21, 2011 at 7:32 PM
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Nov 23, 2011 at 2:22 PM
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Jan 19, 2012 at 3:39 AM
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I like to belive that the creater's......were mimigas. tis' a bit of a stretch,but,think. mabey if the mimiga's knew what the gole of the bots was,Quote and Curly were a secont to last-ditch effort to stop them. it would explane why they are so diffrant. and as for Quotes cap being in english,i think he got it by raiding some bots,thought it looked good. god knows whats in Quotes head. this also explanes why they roamed instaid of being sent back to the surface. and as for Quote in the cave? i like to belive he was on a scouting mission,and hurt himself,resulting in his "self-repairing" sistom to kick in,he did not have any wepons as the war was over by then. they thought they had destroyed the crown. they were wrong. and for Curly, i belive she was hurt by one of the Sand zones creaturs...and why she had a freaking machin' gun. The 'children' were her saviors,and in turn she raised them as a reward for helping her. this is a long post,but i needed time to let my thoughts excape. this is nothing but the ravings of a fanboy.

"GOOD FREAKING DAY TO YOU!" "Stop eating the purple flowers!"
Jan 19, 2012 at 4:16 AM
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You're a madman!

While I suppose it could be possible : Mimigas seem capable of producing human level technology if they were educated enough... I still wouldn't put any flowers on it... Though, all we ever heard from were from seemingly young Mimiga, and Zett.
But, back ten years ago, maybe there were Mimigas who collaberated with the human scientists. Who knows, maybe MALCO is a product of Mimiga x Human technology??

Still, unless Mimigas live on the surface as well... [Can't remember if there is any evidence supporting that...]; Curly claims they were sent from the surface. So, they probably weren't created by Mimiga, in that case.
Jan 19, 2012 at 10:41 PM
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You have a point. My theroie is also blown by this :pignon: -Ma pition. he restored all of curlys memoires. there for,they HAVE to be from the survase.

Doh' i missed!

"GOOD FREAKING DAY TO YOU!" "Stop eating the purple flowers!"