Re: What's the story behind your nickname?
The story behind Kage's nickname: he's a weeaboo.
Anyway, the ridiculous story behind mine:
Two friends and I were playing Rock Band one day. I arrived at the house after the band was named (Teh Ballz, because my friends are brilliant) and the other two members were created (a pimp and a lumberjack), so I joined the band with my friends, and named my character Mr. Anderson and gave him a trenchcoat and glasses as soon as I could afford it.
However, I got bored of the Matrix reference and wanted to put on some more expensive clothing, so I decided to outfit Mr. Anderson with pink clothes. I gave him pink shades, pink elbow-length rubber gloves, pink fuzzy boots, pink leather pants (wtf?), a pink fauxhawk, pink heart earrings, a pink cape, no shirt and a giant penis tattoo stretching from his crotch to his chest.
Thus Captain Fabulous was born, and Mr. Anderson was quickly renamed (although it had to be CaptainFabulous because Rock Band can only handle 15 characters). Since then I have used Captain Fabulous (or CptFabulous) for nearly every nickname online. It's great because it's gender ambiguous and I can mess with people's homophobia and prejudices, and also because it's hardly ever taken.