I am trapped in a seal camber, which is apparently a really square room. Not just the regular kind of square room, it's actually two-dimensional. Like Cave Story.
Okay, I'll assume I'm two-dimensional as well. And there's a 2D chair to sit in. However, the Free Man said I have nothing to sit in but a chair. So, that just means the chair is the only object in the camber that I can sit in. It's a fairly uncomfortable camber.
I will also assume that this camber is full of seals. I could make a bed out of the skin and bones of two of them, along with the chair. So that would give me some place to sleep while I plan a way out of the camber. I can eat seals, and get water out of them. On the second day of imprisonment, I will be making bone tools with which I can hack my way of the room. Unfortunately, the room runs out of oxygen while I'm making these tools. I and all the surviving seals die. It is now a dead seal camber, with a chair, a set of tools, and a bed. Then Quote breaks in and applies the Jellyfish Juice to the chair, and he finds another air tank.
God damn it, Quote. Why could you save everyone but me?