Apr 2, 2024 at 5:56 PM
It Really Do Be Like That Sometimes

Join Date: Aug 10, 2017
Location: Blood Stained Sanctuary
Posts: 342
Age: 21
Pronouns: he/him
There was a thread on this topic way back in the day, this has been on my mind so I figure I would try to start a new discussion.
Jack's fate is made ambiguous by the game. I think he's the only named character whose fate is left ambiguous. I'm pretty sure every other character is confirmed to be alive or dead.
Let's start with what we know: the last time we see Jack is in the Plantation when you visit the Jail as you first arrive. By the time you are throw in Jail, Sue and Jack are "taken away" by the Doctor. Sue is summoned by Misery at the Black Space and escapes with Kazuma, but Jack is nowhere to be seen.
Theory 1: Is Jack an enraged Mimiga?
This is a theory that some in the old thread brought up, that Jack is one of the enraged Mimiga you see on the balcony. This seems unlikely to me. Jack wears the most clothes out of any Mimiga, with a shirt, hat, and glasses, so surely an enraged version of Jack would be recognizable. However, he does wear a green shirt that does look similar to the ones the Ravils wear. However, this might not actually be the worst fate for Jack. As Kazuma says in the Egg Corridor, destroying the core caused enraged Mimiga to turn back to normal (I believe we see a version of this happening as Sue transforms back to normal after the Undead Core is defeated) Because of this, if Jack became an enraged Mimiga, he could have been turned back after the Core was defeated and escaped with Itoh and Momorin. Side Note: I do believe that the Enraged Mimiga we see on the Balcony and up escaping. We see Santa and Chako escape, so surely all of the generic Mimiga at the King's Table also escape with them. Because of this, it is not a big stretch to believe that the Enraged Mimiga escape with them, which is why we don't see them at all after the Undead Core is defeated.)
The evidence against the theory that Jack turned into an enraged Mimiga and then escaped is that he does not appear in any of the credits. They show Santa and Chako in the scene where Sue and Itoh get transformed back to humans, and if Jack survived, why wouldn't he show up there?
Theory 2: Jack is alive.
This theory basically is just that Jack is alive and stayed on the island. The Doctor was surely busy with other stuff, like creating the Red Crystal, and wouldn't have any reason to just kill a random Mimiga. The best evidence I have for this is the fact that Cave Story doesn't seem like it would kill a character off screen, and there's some precedent for this. When Booster falls in the labyrinth and you talk to him, he dies. If you don't talk to him, he survives. Why? Because you don't actually see Booster die when you ignore him, you can just assume he survives. Because of this we can follow the logic that if you don't literally see a character die, he/she is not dead. I have one other piece of insane evidence for this theory. We know that at least SOME Mimiga return to Mimiga village, because we see the Mimiga graveyard in the credits with no mushrooms and flowers blooming. That wouldn't just happen on its own, so we know that Mimiga return to the village. And who's the only Mimiga who does anything with the graveyard? Jack, who protects it at the beginning of the game. So if you want, you can think that Jack is the one who fixed up the Mimiga graveyard. However, this is a pretty big stretch, and it is not hard evidence.
Theory 3: Jack is dead.
This theory is that Jack was killed by the Doctor and is now dead. compared to the others, the only real evidence for this if that Jack does not appear in the credits. However, Mahin and Kanpachi don't appear in the credits, and no reasonable person would assume they are dead. Another version of this theory is that Jack got turned into an enraged Mimiga and WE killed him, as many players will defeat the enraged Mimiga on the balcony. However, they respawn, and you could always just do a play though where you don't kill any of them.
So yeah, I do personally think that Jack is alive, as even if he was turned into an enraged Mimiga, he would have turned back after the core was destroyed. What do you think?
Jack's fate is made ambiguous by the game. I think he's the only named character whose fate is left ambiguous. I'm pretty sure every other character is confirmed to be alive or dead.
Let's start with what we know: the last time we see Jack is in the Plantation when you visit the Jail as you first arrive. By the time you are throw in Jail, Sue and Jack are "taken away" by the Doctor. Sue is summoned by Misery at the Black Space and escapes with Kazuma, but Jack is nowhere to be seen.
Theory 1: Is Jack an enraged Mimiga?
This is a theory that some in the old thread brought up, that Jack is one of the enraged Mimiga you see on the balcony. This seems unlikely to me. Jack wears the most clothes out of any Mimiga, with a shirt, hat, and glasses, so surely an enraged version of Jack would be recognizable. However, he does wear a green shirt that does look similar to the ones the Ravils wear. However, this might not actually be the worst fate for Jack. As Kazuma says in the Egg Corridor, destroying the core caused enraged Mimiga to turn back to normal (I believe we see a version of this happening as Sue transforms back to normal after the Undead Core is defeated) Because of this, if Jack became an enraged Mimiga, he could have been turned back after the Core was defeated and escaped with Itoh and Momorin. Side Note: I do believe that the Enraged Mimiga we see on the Balcony and up escaping. We see Santa and Chako escape, so surely all of the generic Mimiga at the King's Table also escape with them. Because of this, it is not a big stretch to believe that the Enraged Mimiga escape with them, which is why we don't see them at all after the Undead Core is defeated.)
The evidence against the theory that Jack turned into an enraged Mimiga and then escaped is that he does not appear in any of the credits. They show Santa and Chako in the scene where Sue and Itoh get transformed back to humans, and if Jack survived, why wouldn't he show up there?
Theory 2: Jack is alive.
This theory basically is just that Jack is alive and stayed on the island. The Doctor was surely busy with other stuff, like creating the Red Crystal, and wouldn't have any reason to just kill a random Mimiga. The best evidence I have for this is the fact that Cave Story doesn't seem like it would kill a character off screen, and there's some precedent for this. When Booster falls in the labyrinth and you talk to him, he dies. If you don't talk to him, he survives. Why? Because you don't actually see Booster die when you ignore him, you can just assume he survives. Because of this we can follow the logic that if you don't literally see a character die, he/she is not dead. I have one other piece of insane evidence for this theory. We know that at least SOME Mimiga return to Mimiga village, because we see the Mimiga graveyard in the credits with no mushrooms and flowers blooming. That wouldn't just happen on its own, so we know that Mimiga return to the village. And who's the only Mimiga who does anything with the graveyard? Jack, who protects it at the beginning of the game. So if you want, you can think that Jack is the one who fixed up the Mimiga graveyard. However, this is a pretty big stretch, and it is not hard evidence.
Theory 3: Jack is dead.
This theory is that Jack was killed by the Doctor and is now dead. compared to the others, the only real evidence for this if that Jack does not appear in the credits. However, Mahin and Kanpachi don't appear in the credits, and no reasonable person would assume they are dead. Another version of this theory is that Jack got turned into an enraged Mimiga and WE killed him, as many players will defeat the enraged Mimiga on the balcony. However, they respawn, and you could always just do a play though where you don't kill any of them.
So yeah, I do personally think that Jack is alive, as even if he was turned into an enraged Mimiga, he would have turned back after the core was destroyed. What do you think?