What do you think about mods?

Sep 5, 2017 at 3:55 PM
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What do you think about mods...
what is your favorite mods
What is your first mod you played...

a discussion about what you think about all cave story mods.

Sep 5, 2017 at 4:02 PM
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they're alright
Sep 5, 2017 at 4:07 PM
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Here's some of my favorite cs mods:
Brutal Mario
EarthBound Halloween
Pokemon Garnet Red
Mega Man 3 Improvement
An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack
Sep 5, 2017 at 4:13 PM
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Here's some of my favorite cs mods:
Brutal Mario
EarthBound Halloween
Pokemon Garnet Red
Mega Man 3 Improvement
An Ordinary Sonic Rom Hack

you said cs mods but is rom hacks
Sep 5, 2017 at 11:27 PM
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mods are pretty neat
my favorite mod ever posted on this forum is pokemon garnet red, made by one of the best modders here, it's so good even the coolest dude tlinkan likes it you rock tlinkan
the first mod i ever played was this horrible mod called blargo who would make that trash????
Sep 5, 2017 at 11:29 PM
Soup Man
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mods are garbage and anyone who wastes time making them needs to get a life.
Sep 6, 2017 at 12:08 AM
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I feel led to give a somewhat serious reply.

My perspective on mods has changed over time. When I first found out about CS mods (I was 14 at the time, hard to believe it's been over 6 years!), I thought they were really cool, and I was very captivated by the idea of being able to see fan-fictional Cave Story plot-lines brought to life. I used to spend long hours playing mod after mod, and even ended up learning how to mod myself and making my own mod. Over time, I've realized that modding isn't that particularly impressive of a skill, and that it's a lot less rewarding than making your own original work. And even though there are a lot of cool and unique things that some mods do, I feel like if you've played several mods, then you've basically played all the mods. Modding is a good way to get your foot in the door for learning game design and certain types of programming skills, but if you stay with modding for a prolonged period of time, it will hold you back from bigger and better things.

Also, my favorite mod is WTF? Story, and the first mod I ever played was A Lost Land.
Sep 6, 2017 at 3:56 AM
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I didn't really play a lot of mods when I first got into the community, but I think the concept of them was very cool to me (like, THIS, especially). I think my reason for not playing too many mods was due to my setup at the time. I had an old XP computer that could probably run them just fine... but it was in my parent's room and I didn't have headphones, so it wasn't quite ideal for playing mods on my own. To this day I still haven't really played a whole lot of mods, but I think I've played all of the essential ones, and certainly enough to get by.

My outlook on Cave Story mods has... oddly enough gotten more optimistic as time has gone by. I see how far the modding community has gotten, and I don't think there's any stop nearby. The amount of mods that get uploaded aren't anything crazy, but there is enough discussion related to modding to go on for a while. I feel like it's only a matter of time until some nut creates the ultimate be-all-end-all mod that tops even the most well-known mods like WTF and JN. Speaking of which, I still have ideas of such a mod myself all the time. As crazy as it sounds, I am still as excited as ever to mod, and I really do hope to wrap up all of my current modding projects and then move on to even more. The common argument of "well, why even bother modding, it's less fulfilling/rewarding and it'd be a better use of your time to make actual, original games" makes a lot of sense, I will not deny that. But let me bring up Rockman 4: Minus Infinity, a hack of Mega Man 4 that defies expectations and creates an experience unlike anything you'd expect out of a ROMHack. It feels so great, so authentic, so fun... and yet it's a hack of a game that was made years before I was even born. People have and still are making Mega Man fangames using their own engines, and yet none of them feel quite as superb as RM4MI. But how come? Playing this game and feeling the base game pushed to its limits is exciting. Having played the parent game, you already have a set of expectations coming into the hack, and seeing all of the crazy stuff it does with such constraints is inspiring to me. Stuff like that is what keeps me wanting to work on CS mods despite how useless it may seem. Is it impractical, unnecessary, and overall not an ideal way to make your own creation? Absolutely. But there is something magical playing something derivative of a base game that original games will never do for me. That's why mods like The Show, NoStoryJustCave, and Chocolate Sunday captured my imagination years ago, and why mods like openCS excite me for the future.

Anyway, I really can't remember the first mod I played. It's quite likely that it was either KSS or WTF. Certainly not bad mods to start on. My favorite mod? Well, I think it still has to be WTF Story for me. People like Dunc have definitely argued against it well, especially given that its level design is somewhat lackluster, but I feel it's a mod where there's a bit of style over substance going on. I can look past all of the flaws because of all the interesting mechanics and environments there are. Mods like JN bore me because, even though it may be objectively superior to WTF, it doesn't do anything new or exciting.
Sep 6, 2017 at 5:52 PM
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The common argument of "well, why even bother modding, it's less fulfilling/rewarding and it'd be a better use of your time to make actual, original games" makes a lot of sense, I will not deny that. But let me bring up Rockman 4: Minus Infinity, a hack of Mega Man 4 that defies expectations and creates an experience unlike anything you'd expect out of a ROMHack. It feels so great, so authentic, so fun... and yet it's a hack of a game that was made years before I was even born. People have and still are making Mega Man fangames using their own engines, and yet none of them feel quite as superb as RM4MI. But how come? Playing this game and feeling the base game pushed to its limits is exciting. Having played the parent game, you already have a set of expectations coming into the hack, and seeing all of the crazy stuff it does with such constraints is inspiring to me. Stuff like that is what keeps me wanting to work on CS mods despite how useless it may seem. Is it impractical, unnecessary, and overall not an ideal way to make your own creation? Absolutely. But there is something magical playing something derivative of a base game that original games will never do for me.
That is a very good point, and this is why I greatly admire people who still stick with modding after all these years. You have to have a very special kind of passion and determination, and have a somewhat different taste for what real "reward" feels like. There's certainly always going to be an audience that will appreciate such mods on that kind of level, but it's always going to be a very exclusive audience, and that's largely what makes modding seem so thankless for bigger projects. Making my 4th ending mod was certainly fun and had a big payoff, but anything much larger in scope (apart from learning some basic assembly, because that has ended up being a ton of help in work and school) would have definitely just taken up too much of my time and prevented me from working on projects that have since then benefited me much more than making another mod would have. For someone to make that kind of sacrifice of time definitely shows a unique kind of passion for the game being modded and the community that it's targeted toward.
Sep 30, 2017 at 11:54 AM
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I understand people saying that mods limit you or whatever, but I appreciate their existence because I have more cave story content to play.
Oct 1, 2017 at 7:09 PM
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Critter Tower defense was my first. Beat all of hard mode.
Oct 1, 2017 at 8:09 PM
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Oct 1, 2017 at 9:02 PM
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mods are garbage and anyone who wastes time making them needs to get a life.
That's kinda a mean thing to say. If you haven't said anything nice before, I would have no regards for you have said. I enjoy mods due to how joking and fun some of them are; Quite a lot of them are even a great challenge to beat.
I am even the lead artist for a game me and my friends are making and yet I still find this surprising that people are saying such rude things.
That's because modding is a great tool to learn so many things about what goes into the process of making a game, and Sonic mania wouldn't exist without that grit to learn.

I just gave a serious reply... OH WELL... Still gonna keep it here for people who think mods are ridiculous.
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Oct 2, 2017 at 1:55 AM
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That's kinda a mean thing to say. If you haven't said anything nice before, I would have no regards for you have said. I enjoy mods due to how joking and fun some of them are; Quite a lot of them are even a great challenge to beat.
I am even the lead artist for a game me and my friends are making and yet I still find this surprising that people are saying such rude things.
That's because modding is a great tool to learn so many things about what goes into the process of making a game, and Sonic mania wouldn't exist without that grit to learn.

I just gave a serious reply... OH WELL... Still gonna keep it here for people who think mods are ridiculous.
'Tis nothing but a joke. It's ironic too, since he's working on like, a dozen mods himself, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oct 2, 2017 at 1:19 PM
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Modding is pretty cool.
My favorite mods are probably WTF? Story, Rave Story, Jenka's Nightmare, etc. you get it the famous ones.
The first mod I ever played was Sue's Story, and whenever I think of that mod I think of lemonade because I had been drinking lemonade before and while playing it and afterwards I threw up because I had been drinking so much lemonade. So my stomach churns a little whenever I think of it as well.

Still pretty good mod.
Oct 2, 2017 at 6:29 PM
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mods are OK.
honestly they're probably good to teach programming basics, so there's that
but they're inherently limited what with having to resort to all the ass-backwards ways of doing what you want and everything you make being afflicted with the word 'mod' and not 'game'
over all it's something for people who don't care about the end product and enjoy the process itself i think
and people who have an obsession with cave story and want all the games they play to be cave story but slightly different
Oct 2, 2017 at 9:10 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Perhaps I should at least make a serious list of some of my favorite mods from here, maybe put in their creators as well.
WTF Story - GIRakaCheezer
Rave Story - Polar
Video Game (Deluxe) - Aar
Kuoto no Fukushu - Kayya
Treasure Islands - Noxid
Jenn's Journey - JonSpider
Cave Story Fourth Ending - HaydenStudios

Also, I may be the only veteran member here who's never played Jenka's Nightmare, Lunar Shadow, or A Lost Land. I just... never bothered to play either three, oops.
Oct 4, 2017 at 12:26 AM
Soup Man
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