06:18 Jackalope Well, the vidya component was Pokemon, both cards and gaems, the latter of which I was either playing, or it was playing manually. Though it didn't figure into the second, non-vidya half.
06:19 Jackalope In that, I went to this elementary school where these kids were enacting an episode of the show Blue's Clues, which they probably invented themselves. I'd seen the performance before, and liked it enough to see it again.
06:20 Jackalope At the "Mail Time" part, there was an interesting short story, which I forget it was about. Instead of standing back with the crowd this time, I went up to the curtain.
06:21 Jackalope The beginning had these kitty cats interrupting the narrator for lulz. The cats happened to be two of mine. At one point, though, somebody had a knife over one of them.
Jackalope Behind the curtain, that is.
Jackalope I didn't do anything but stare nervously, convinced nothing bad would happen in an elementary school.
Jackalope Then he got chopped in half and two salmon came out and bounced on the floor, drowning on air.
06:23 Jackalope I screamed and ran away, and the theme song from NCIS, this show my parents love, started playing as I scrambled home.
06:24 Jackalope Once there, I acknowledged this was weird in-dream. But more important was telling my dad so we could go down there and report it, and I could also congratulate the kids on their performance.
06:25 Jackalope So we got there, and the schoolyard was closed off with wire fence, so we couldn't get in, apparently, at least not on that side. I noticed a poster for some concert on a brick wall adjacent, where Coke Zero was being served.
06:27 Jackalope I suppose the school was empty, but we went inside, and on a corkboard, on a sheet of paper, under a poem about cats, there was a notice that school policy had changed and cats weren't allowed there anymore. I guess it had been dealt with before we got there.
Jackalope Then I woke up.