• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Want to start a collab....

Nov 30, 2008 at 8:31 PM
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Holy jesus, been awhile since i posted on this thread (must, not, let, it, DIE!)
@DT: The story idea with the two worlds and that guy (we'll need someone to develop his character more,) sounds really good. I'd just like it if it was more finished, but i think that would be a good place to start from.
Dec 1, 2008 at 6:23 AM
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Holy jesus, been awhile since i posted on this thread (must, not, let, it, DIE!)
@DT: The story idea with the two worlds and that guy (we'll need someone to develop his character more,) sounds really good. I'd just like it if it was more finished, but i think that would be a good place to start from.
'Kay >_>
Guy's part of the story was really only meant to be a prologue, his generation would be long-dead by the time the story starts for real.
I really haven't thought up the fine details yet, they usually tend to fall into place later, and I don't wanna give everything away before this even starts <_< But I'll do a bit more now...

Last time on DT making up a story from scratch:
-A young lady is working in the government's data archives when a blackout occurs. By candlelight, she stumbles upon an old office that is up for renovations, and finds Guy's diary in there...
-She takes it, but before doing anything else with it, she heads back to her own office to continue her work, before heading to bed. (RIVETING ACTION!!!!)
-In the morning, she called to the head office. (DRAMATIC SUSPENSE!!!) It turns out archival services are needed elsewhere for some reason, and she is the only one available for transfer. She'll be sent there by plane, with a single refuelling stop along the way.
-The first part of the flight goes off without a hitch, but the airport they land at is attacked by rebels/insurgents/criminals. She lands herself a weapon and has to fight them off or something.
-She arrives in the location the next day to begin her new job, let's say... an ex-war building, where a large number of ex-enemy files have been stored. It's her duty to sift through them and record any relevant information.
-This is the point where a lot of the history of the world will be explained, possibly via flashbacks to who wrote them in the time of war, provided it's possible to call a third set of character sprites from MyChar.pbm. This will be interspersed with her reading through Guy's diary at times. Eventually this part of the game will finish and then the connections to the first part of the story will start to occur. No rushing~
I myself would be more comfortable writing a proper script once the team has been but together, or at least who is designated the mapper/scripter/h4ck3r since they'll be doing most of the work putting my levels together >_> And possibly the artist(s) too. And maybe some kind of idea of when you/they'll want things by.
As for the 'creatures' I mentioned before from this otherworldly place, they could just as easily be people, I just figured that not-people would suit a CS-type mod better. Up to you. The other world itself won't play a huge part in the story as I see it currently, it'll more be about what the other world's purpose actually is. ...I think.
Dec 4, 2008 at 6:38 AM
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Well I guess first off, hello to everyone here. I was recently directed to play Cave Story by a friend and loved; after which I went off in search of modding sites and ended up here.

At any rate, I could help with this project by writing dialogue and offering ideas and such (not too good at spriting) if you need any more people like that.