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Video of a Game thread

Jul 21, 2008 at 2:12 AM
Indie game enthusiast
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"Original Topic" said:
I just don't get around to checking out everybody's game they recommended in the recommend a game thread... At my slow pace I only remember to try just a few of them!

So that's why I wanted to make a new thread, for ease of use! (lazy/not enough time) to show off a game you want to recommend. That's right, this is the post a video of a video game thread :)
And keeping it to one video to show off a game would be ideal...
But if you have more than one video per game feel free of course!

So in summary this is a 'post a video of a game you want to recommend'~

Thanks to SkyeWelse's suggestion I believe I might be putting up a website to show off some of these games soon... Having a place to show off all of the best or my favorite games that I find, including mods and hacks would make a good site I think..!

The amount of research it takes or dumb luck to find some of these great games is far too haphazard to reach most people... But the more people that talk about the games, the better the chances are to reach us...

Well until I get a website up, I've used youtube to try to organize some of the games : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6oqCQ3zmS8

If you check under video responses you'll see categories like : action games, visual novels, strategy games, etc...
then under each category you'll find the games available under video responses...
and if there are any further videos on that game it will be under the game's video~

Pretty intutive I hope :)
Nearly all of my videos have been uploaded for high quality, so you gotta click high quality to take full advantage of them...
(currently no commentary, just like if you turned on the game and tried it for yourself.)
Also if you add &fmt=18 to the end of the video's link it will play stereo.
Jul 21, 2008 at 7:37 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Nice idea!, also the videos take forever to download all of them >.> stupid school shaping youtube video downloads
Jul 21, 2008 at 8:12 AM
Indie game enthusiast
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xristosx said:
Nice idea!, also the videos take forever to download all of them >.> stupid school shaping youtube video downloads
It's nice quality though, right? :p The actual games look 50% smoother though... (my videos are only 30 fps... when the games are 60 fps)

You know ... I haven't been considering how long these videos might take others to download at youtube's High Quality setting... I mean the files I'm uploading to youtube are between 400 and 800 megs each..!!
lol obviously youtube squishes the size down a ton... but I guess it still could be pretty hefty...
Still I'd always recommend watching it in high quality, but if someone doesn't have the time to wait, then change the last number of my links.

Usually I have it set as : &fmt=6 which is normal high quality.
if you change it to &fmt=1 it will be low quality and download much faster. (but.. but... the quality...)
There's a third option as well.
If you change it to &fmt=18 it will be reasonable quality, AND it will playback in stereo sound..! lol

Choices, choices...
Oh and it might improve the speed of the downloads if you set your general region in the icon on the top right.

Oh, and if other people add games and a video, do you think I should add it to the first post? Maybe add user ratings? 1 to 5 stars per game? [only if you've played it though!]
Jul 22, 2008 at 1:29 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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X-Calibar said:
It's nice quality though, right? :p The actual games look 50% smoother though... (my videos are only 30 fps... when the games are 60 fps)

You know ... I haven't been considering how long these videos might take others to download at youtube's High Quality setting... I mean the files I'm uploading to youtube are between 400 and 800 megs each..!!

O_O..... You really should compress them..... that would take you hours to upload...

X-Calibar said:
Usually I have it set as : &fmt=6 which is normal high quality.
if you change it to &fmt=1 it will be low quality and download much faster. (but.. but... the quality...)

x_x i'd rather see the game quickly.. then have to wait 20 minutes to watch the whole video
Jul 22, 2008 at 6:01 AM
Indie game enthusiast
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xristosx said:
O_O..... You really should compress them..... that would take you hours to upload...

x_x i'd rather see the game quickly.. then have to wait 20 minutes to watch the whole video
It only takes 10 - 20 minutes to upload... and it doesn't pause during playback :p
Jul 22, 2008 at 6:07 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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X-Calibar said:
It only takes 10 - 20 minutes to upload... and it doesn't pause during playback :p

My schools too slow D:!
Jul 22, 2008 at 8:22 AM
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xristosx said:
My schools too slow D:!
Updated the first post to make it easy :D Low, Medium or High quality~!
I'll keep adding some games in when I get a chance ;o

Oh and my preview for Melty Blood act cadenza... I don't do very well :eek: and my character looks like the Major from ghost in the shell :o She must have gone crazy...
Jul 23, 2008 at 1:25 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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X-Calibar said:
Updated the first post to make it easy :D Low, Medium or High quality~!
I'll keep adding some games in when I get a chance ;o

Oh and my preview for Melty Blood act cadenza... I don't do very well :confused: and my character looks like the Major from ghost in the shell :o She must have gone crazy...

Oh thanks alot X-calibar, i dont even have to pause to watch it now :D
Lol i was like wtf when you chose the black one, SHES GONE EMO D: well more emo then before

Ive got my play against Rarc as well http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/32823/
Jul 23, 2008 at 10:18 AM
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Jul 31, 2008 at 11:16 PM
Indie game enthusiast
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I've updated the games again. Just doing it casually though; later I'll make it a little neater maybe, with more information such as what system it's for etc...
These are all enjoyable games in my opinion ;) [which is why I uploaded them; mostly for my benefit :p But perhaps someone will see something they like]

Metalogz said:


WoOT! Yeah that's a cool game :D I might say epic as melty blood... if it was in english :/ No clue what the story is, except ATTACK!
Oct 4, 2008 at 7:25 PM
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Hey. I've updated the first post/changed the thread kind of...
Check the youtube link at the top or this one to look through the games available.

Example :

Open up the main youtube video (just a placeholder video for now) :

and then underneath the video are Video Responses, such as :
Action Games (ACT) List, Adventure Games (ADV) List, Roleplaying Games (RPG) List... etc
Each video is a seperate category of games, to make it easier to sort through the games.

Once you click on a category of games... say Action Games for instance; You're greeted with another placeholder video. And underneath the video are Video Responses which correspond to each game.

At any video you can hit View All under video responses to see all of the choices at once.
Easy enough?

At any time you can click the "This is a response to blah blah video" to return the previous section you were in until you reach the root video again...

Well anyways, don't be lazy! But I'll make it easy :o Going to pick out a few to show :
SegaCD (ACT) Mod = Sonic 1 Megamix
PC (ACT) Preview = Bionic Commando Rearmed
PC (ADV) Preview = Aquaria
N64 (ADV) Preview = Wonder Project J2
PC (FPS) Preview = Max Payne
"Wake up Neo..." The Real World Trailer 4 (upcoming Max Payne mod)
PC (STR) Preview = Darwinia demo2
PS1 (STR) Preview = Final Fantasy Tactics (don't forget the unofficial FFT patch 1.3)
PC (STG) Preview = Cloudphobia
PC (STG) Preview = Ether Vapor
PC (VN) Preview = Utawarerumono
PC (VN) Preview = Tsukihime
PS1 (RPG) Preview = Xenogears
PC (RPG) Preview = Ultima V : Lazarus

Just a couple of examples of what I've put up so far...
Each one of these are Great games. I will not waste your time showing you unusual or mediocre and definitely not bad stuff. There's a lot of merit in most games, but I'm just trying to find the best of the bunch, because there are a TON of games out there... [and SO many mods/hacks ;P] and we just don't have unlimited time...
I'd like to link to trailers too eventually, as my previews are the actual beginning of each game; while a trailer can try to show off all the strong points real fast [with catchy music] :p

AKA Iji. Nice find btw!!
Mar 1, 2009 at 4:07 AM
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This is only loosely connected to the thread's topic, I guess...

What are you talking about? AAKid deleted the post, so I wouldn't know...

Anyway, I found this a few hours ago while waiting for Part 3 of my TWoR Minimal Run to finish uploading... though it's not an official game trailer, I thought I may as well share it with everyone- Touhou Home Videos (Parodies of the intros from Full House & Friends)

Game used in the making of the linked video- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Feb 2, 2011 at 6:38 AM
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I might be able to donate a sever. AND that's a big FAT maybe. A really fat one.
Feb 2, 2011 at 6:39 AM
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3 year bump first, post not pertaining to the thread second.
I am confuse.
Feb 2, 2011 at 6:42 AM
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Christ. Time stamp escaped me. Well, I guess he feels like he missed out.
Feb 2, 2011 at 4:24 PM
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lol wrong thread maybe?