Major update, was playing around with Sue's Workshop and tested a lot of commands.
caveoholic! said:
I know exactly what it does <NCJx:y means NpC Jump & it's used as jump to event y if sprite X exists
<HMC hides your character i've tested it myself likewise <SMC obviously show's my character
That N seems to be the same as ANP, CNP, DNP, FON, etc. There shouldn't be both NpC and NPc, and besides, I don't think a table counts as a "non-player character". "Entity Piece" doesn't sound right either, I'm still holding off on this.
Anyway, all of the descriptions are correct, thank you.
caveoholic! said:
If it isin't used in the game ten how do you even know it exists?
Like I said, someone was looking into the code with a disassembler and sent me an email about unused commands they found. I discovered that any invalid command brings up an error message showing the command, so that let me confirm that most of the ones he mentioned are real commands.
<LDP LoaD Profile [used when retrying - loads saved game?]
<NCJx:y eNtity Control Jump Jump to event Y if sprite X is on the map.
<SVP SaVe Profile Save game
<SSSx Start Stream Sound Makes the river sound start. X is speed, defaults to 9999 (very very fast)
<TAMx:y:z Trade ArMs Trade weapon X for weapon Y with max ammo Z (0000 keeps the same amount of max ammo)
<UNIx [?] Zero-G movement + locks camera (disabling <FOx commands), 0001 enables, 0000 disables, 0002-9999 lock out all movement except for firing and swapping weapons.
<CNPx:y:z Change eNtity Piece Change entity X to type Y with flags Z (flags that effect how the entity triggers events are ignored in Z.)
All correct. I almost missed that CNP changes the entity flags as well as the direction, I'll look into that next.
<MNPx:y:z:w Move eNtity Piece Move entity X to coords Y:Z [is W animation to jump to?]
The last value is used in the game for direction, but it might be able to change flags like CNP as well. Also needs testing.
<STC [STop Clock?] [stop the nikumaru counter?]
That pointed me in the right direction - it actually saves the current time counted to the 290.rec file. "<EQ-0256" stops the counter.
<FMUx Fade MUsic Fade the music out to volume level x. Defaults to 0000 (silence)
FMU is definitely a zero-parameter command. I had it wrong though, it fades the music to a low level and then "<CMU0000" silences it.
<SMPx:y [?] [only used before and after the fight with omega - moves sunstones?]
No, the sunstones are moved with ANP when you hit the v-trigger near them. Still can't figure out what that one is.