Oct 7, 2009 at 2:36 AM
Join Date: Apr 6, 2009
Location: Forgotten Tower
Posts: 2052
Alright, I got this idea off that "Bored? Let's play with Translations!!" thread.
The basic rules are as follows:
~ Pick either Translation Party or Lost in Translation. Be sure to tell us which you picked. {If you pick Lost in Translation, tell us if you included the 3 extra languages or not, too}
~ Enter a English phrase. I guess it doesn't really matter, but try to keep it to something we can guess easily. Nothing extremely obscure that none of us would understand
; And try to keep it short. Translating an entire paragraph would not be fun...
~ Give us the translated phrase. If you're using Translation Party, use the BOTTOM TRANSLATION, and if it doesn't equal out, give us the final one before it stopped. Do NOT give us the English phrase you started with.
~ The rest of us will now try to figure out what you started with. No one should give out any more translations until the current one is solved. Because of this, try to give hints out when needed {That means people should go ahead and ask for any if it's just too head-scratching} and be lenient with your judging. Getting it word-by-word perfect will be near impossible and would ruin the game. We might even have to call some a draw and move on with a new one, so remember that when picking a phrase. {And write the original phrase down if you have to. It'd be embarrassing if you forgot it}
~ Whoever gets it right will now choose the next phrase for the rest of us to figure out.
~ If everyone so wishes it, I can try to keep score on this first post.
OK, got it?
So, I'll start
Lost in Translation {Included the 3 extra languages}:
The basic rules are as follows:
~ Pick either Translation Party or Lost in Translation. Be sure to tell us which you picked. {If you pick Lost in Translation, tell us if you included the 3 extra languages or not, too}
~ Enter a English phrase. I guess it doesn't really matter, but try to keep it to something we can guess easily. Nothing extremely obscure that none of us would understand

~ Give us the translated phrase. If you're using Translation Party, use the BOTTOM TRANSLATION, and if it doesn't equal out, give us the final one before it stopped. Do NOT give us the English phrase you started with.
~ The rest of us will now try to figure out what you started with. No one should give out any more translations until the current one is solved. Because of this, try to give hints out when needed {That means people should go ahead and ask for any if it's just too head-scratching} and be lenient with your judging. Getting it word-by-word perfect will be near impossible and would ruin the game. We might even have to call some a draw and move on with a new one, so remember that when picking a phrase. {And write the original phrase down if you have to. It'd be embarrassing if you forgot it}
~ Whoever gets it right will now choose the next phrase for the rest of us to figure out.
~ If everyone so wishes it, I can try to keep score on this first post.
OK, got it?
So, I'll start

Lost in Translation {Included the 3 extra languages}:
Good luck! I tried starting easy.Lost in Translation said:The citation and the banana can conserve the console due to the corrimento of Ballos.