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The well - Yakkers

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May 19, 2012 at 8:37 PM
In my body, in my head
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Obvs. you have an interest in furry things, but would you share your thoughts on the "community" that surrounds it?
May 19, 2012 at 9:41 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Favorite furry creature?

If you could become a furry, what species would you be?

Nixod's questions reminded me
May 19, 2012 at 9:53 PM
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on your own scale of furries where would you place yourself
May 20, 2012 at 2:46 AM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Have you ever been opposed to something without trying it, then tried it and ended up enjoying it?
Aside from carl of dookie, what are some "mainstream" things you enjoy?
Do you have any funny stories from college?
If you found yourself trapped inside a fursuit for one day, what would you do?
What is something you've been meaning to do or try but never do?
How open are you willing to get in the well? What topics are nono's?
What is something you enjoy that might come as a surprise to others?
Will you come on irc more often? :c
How many fictional characters have you been infatuated with?
What fandom can't you stand and why?
Is there a notoriously awful song that you really like? Ex: Friday, my jeans, etc
I can't remember if this was asked here or elsewhere but: what is something in your life you've done that you never want to do again?
What things make you squee and get excited like a fangirl (er..boy)?
Ha-ha-has this everhappenhasthiseverhappenhasthiseverhaptoyouyouyou?

I can't remember any specific instances of that, but I'm sure it's happened before. Maybe the two-ish episodes of ponies I've seen.

I use Twitter pretty heavily, but I don't actually post any tweets of my own. I'm pretty sure I don't even have any followers that aren't whores and spambots. I just use it to follow musicians and game developers, and for that, it works wonders.
Also I don't really enjoy carl of dookie anymore :v

Well I've got plenty of stories from my one stoner friend. He has to be one of the most fun people on the planet, I could fill pages with the amazing things he's said. For example, one night he was really high and said it felt like he was riding a biplane made of birthday cake. That quickly became our slang term for being herbally enhanced, and we plan to make him a cake shaped like a biplane exactly to his description of what he imagined for his birthday. I also put this up as a result.
And for something a little different, we went to Wendy's at about 1 AM one night and had to pull around the drive thru three times because nobody had change. HAY, US AGAIN

I'd probably take it off :v
Although I've grown a lot less opposed to fursuits lately, if they're designed nicely I actually don't mind them at all. The problem is almost all of them are not designed nicely, and have gigantic head pieces that scare me and remind me of cereal box mascots. I've seen some really nice ones from Japan, nice enough to actually be something I could see myself wearing if there was actually any place for it.

Drawing people and animals, play the dozens of single player games I have awaiting me on Steam, and watching ponies.

I've been having fun with this whole thing, so I was excited to be a part of it. The only types of questions I'd be against are any that ask if I specifically don't like anyone.

Well there's probably nothing that'd be a suprise to you guys, but a lot of people I talk to online were suprised that I listen to metal, seeing as I'm usually all tender and bubbly in text chats with people, and that people tend to think metal is themed around nothing but anger.

Yes I shall! In fact, I'll go on right now as I'm typing this

Hah... quite a few, to be honest. Infatuating over fictional characters is almost a hobby of mine, it's a nice little free burst of good feelings I can take anywhere with me, without having to wory about any irl complications or shame because it's all fictional :3

This should come as no suprise, but large parts of both the furry community and the pony community, both because of people who can't understand that there's a time and place for these things. Also, blind Call of Duty fans, hurrrghgjhfuck

I have to admit I don't mind California Girls. It reminds me of fun summers.

Go to a hookah lounge and get incredibly sick from it. Never again...

Cotton candy, freshly baked cookies, Christmas lights, snowstorms, and Hamtaro.


on a scale of one to ten, with one being super insecure about everything, and ten being overconfident, where would your put yourself?
do you watch any let's plays? any favourites?
what are some movies you've seen that you really loved?
if you could play any instrument what would it be and why?
what flavor of smoothie is the best flavor of smoothie
what is your opinion on: forum signatures

3ish, maybe.

I don't actually follow any, but this one video comes to mind: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=Pfvyq-buMGo

I have to say I'm really really not a movie person, but the ones I enjoy are usually comedies. Cop Out comes to mind, and The Hangover before everything about it was beaten to death. I also remember liking Cloverfield, despite all the negative feedback it got.
I'm usually the one declining offers to go to the movies and the one pulling out my laptop when people put a movie on the TV.

My many wasted years of Guitar Hero make me wish I had spent that time learning actual guitar, so it'd have to be that. Plus guitar would be the instrument that wouldd let me play the highest amount of songs I actually know.

Boysenberry flavor smoothie is the best flavor of smoothie!

Forum signatures? I can't say I fancy giant animated banner ones, but I like seeing nice little quotes and links as signatures. They're all fine here, but on some forums I've been to I've seen them fill half my screen and it's just awful

You said you used to go to California to see family. What part of the state did you visit? I grew up in California, myself, a bit east of L.A.

Is there meaning or significance behind your handle? What is it?

Do you have a portfolio of games that you have made or modded? Care to share any of them?
It was right outside Santa Barbara. Beautiful weather down there.

Yakkers was a nickname I had in elementary school, somehow derived from the name "Zach." Nowadays nobody irl knows me by it and it's become my goto name on the intertubes. Sometimes I fear one of my lost elemtary school friends will find me talking about horrible sexual things under this name and recognize it's me, heh.

I don't actually, because I have a bad habit of starting a million little demo projects and never actually finishing anything. Sorry ;w;

Obvs. you have an interest in furry things, but would you share your thoughts on the "community" that surrounds it?

I find the community to be pretty agonizing most of the time. I don't really like to submit myself to it, I just like to make my profiles on any such locations obvious enough to where others could pick me out, but it wouldn't really be terribly obvious to the untrained eye. If I may refer back to my little list here, everything but types 1 and 2 are generally quite painful to be around.
So tl;dr: I don't like the community, and I stay away from it for the most part.

Favorite furry creature?

If you could become a furry, what species would you be?

Nixod's questions reminded me

Zangoose! Ever since I started sorta personifying myself on the internet as one it just stuck from there.
I also still love my mimigas, King and Kanpachi are particularly kawaii. Of course mahin too, with his |3 face.

If fictional races count I'd pick zangoose followed by mimiga, and if you want real animals I'd say either rat or wolf.

on your own scale of furries where would you place yourself

I like to hope I'm a 2.
May 20, 2012 at 4:30 AM
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You're a 2, don't worry.

Do you prefer silence or background music?

Who's cute in Cave Story?

Do you listen to game music when you play them? How about when you're not?

Do you like college more than high school?

Where would you like to travel?
May 20, 2012 at 7:13 AM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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You're a 2, don't worry.
Good to hear, thank you :3

Do you prefer silence or background music?
Who's cute in Cave Story?
Do you listen to game music when you play them? How about when you're not?
Do you like college more than high school?
Where would you like to travel?

I like background music, silence can be a little unsettling. I always like to have at least some white noise going.


I almost always stick with ingame music except for some session based multiplayer stuff. For those I like to turn the music off and add my own stuff, usually something passive and trancey as to not be distracting.
I don't listen to much game music outside of games, I have a few shmup soundtracks in my iTunes but that's about it.

Oh yes, definitely. Everything is more direct and faster moving and they treat you like an adult, it's great. I also don't have to get up as early and have more free time in between classes, what's not to love?

I'd love to travel to a lot of places in Europe, specifically Sweden. I'm pretty much have all the qualities of a weeaboo, but for Europe rather than Japan.
May 20, 2012 at 9:43 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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If you couldn't take said fursuit off, what would you do?
Which characters have you been infatuated with?
Favorite school memory? Can be from Elementary, Middle, High, or college. You can list several if you can't choose
What kind of things really offend you?
Favorite part of Cavecon?
First video game evar?
If you could unlock any locked legendary thread, which would it be?
Favorite incident of forum drama?
May 22, 2012 at 7:32 PM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
Join Date: Jun 12, 2009
Location: Dracula's Castle
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If you couldn't take said fursuit off, what would you do?
Which characters have you been infatuated with?
Favorite school memory? Can be from Elementary, Middle, High, or college. You can list several if you can't choose
What kind of things really offend you?
Favorite part of Cavecon?
First video game evar?
If you could unlock any locked legendary thread, which would it be?
Favorite incident of forum drama?

I'd probably do my best to stay out of public eye, and just maaaaybe curl up on the floor like a kitty or something. Also turn on the AC, those things look hot.

Oh lawdy...
King, obviously Sue, a whole slew of Pokemans, Gabu, Renamon, Gaomon, Freya from FFIX... again I'm sure I'm missing plenty, I'll edit them in as I think of them.
I'd also like to point out not all of these are sexual, more often than not I just want to hug them.

Back In 4th grade I was known for always drawing cheese on everything and finding a way to involve cheese in every single one of my art projects, and that was really the only time that I was widely recognized and involved in anything with the entire class. WoC and I must be long lost cousins or something.

It really rustles my jimmies when people treat people on the internet they've just met like garbage. I understand it's cool and 4channy these days to keep up an "internet tough guy" attitude, but I don't think anyone has the right to say it's just a joke until you really know the person.
Also intolerance in general, particularly over sexual orientation.

I enjoyed our apple picking adventures, but more specifically it's got to be turning around to take our pictures in front of that construction sign. I also loved doing pretty much exactly what we do on IRC but around Lace's kitchen table that first night, it was like a really awesome dream but it was all fo' real.

If computer games count, it was an old kids' point and click game called Cosmic Osmo, it was made by Cyan, the same folks that did Myst. It had beautiful monochromatic black and white graphics, I think all its skillful dithering making almost photorealistic scenes out of two colors is what sparked my interest in pixel graphics.
Aaaand if computer games don't count, my first was Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins on a red Gameboy pocket.

I would say the sexy thread but I feel like there's literally nothing else to discuss in it, so I'll go with the cute counterpart thread. There's a lot more to talk about involving cute things than sexy things without having to pick at straws and be facetious in order still have things to post about.

I remember some kid threatened to hack the forums and take down our firewalls if we banned him, I thought that was pretty great. It was kind of like when a tiny puppy growls at you and thinks its scary, but in reality it's just adorable.

So anyways, when is this thread supposed to end? Wednesday, I'm guessing?
May 22, 2012 at 7:57 PM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Several days ago actually. Wells last 3 days. I actually was a sneak and asked those a day after the supposed-to-be last day :3
May 22, 2012 at 9:53 PM
In my body, in my head
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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A good run then!

Thank you for your cooperation Yakkers :mahin:
ps sweden is the best country
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