Since you're such an active member of the Cave Story fan community: writing tools, recording stuff, nada nada, how often do you get random strangers contacting you with feedback and appreciating and the like? Also, do you have any interesting anectodes about such interactions you can share?
In my entire time on the forums I've had maybe three or four people email me offering to help me with my mod. The first guy, Keron I believe, I exchanged a number of emails with and he sort of helped me more or less shape the direction the mod is aimed in at this point.
There was another guy after (I'm so sorry but I forgot his name and I dont' have access to my email right now to check) that made me some kickin' rad sprites, basically did the whole 2x sheets for mimiga village and some NPC designs, drew a cool picture and made me some great ORGs that sadly haven't made their way into the game yet. He eventually got busy with other things and didn't have time to help me anymore but I felt so special while it lasted.
The other people were well-intentioned but didn't really have much in the way of things to contribute other than plot / ideas which I probably have pretty much under control. Worth mentioning, I'm pretty sure the only reason bobbyis signed up for the forum (and subsequently migrated to IRC) was because he wanted to help me out.
But, apart from the occasional compliment on the mod, nobody really has gone out of their way to provide feedback or compliments on my work unless I knew them beforehand, i.e. forum regulars. I like to think that I give a lot to the community (it certainly occupies a significant portion of my time) but I guess cave story is such old news that nobody cares any more. Seven(?) years is a long time.
Do you prefer male or female cats?
Both from what I've read and my own personal experience, male cats are more affectionate and social than female cats. My current cat is female and she is very standoffish and independent. While I love her to bits, I think the next cat I get will be male.
Do you eat rice-based dishes? (Rice pudding, chinese stir fry, curry, etc.)
Well of course. It's hard *not* to eat rice now and again, it's in lots of things. Rice is good as a base for things like casseroles and stir fry dishes, or sometimes just on its own with soya sauce (although it's been a while since I've had just plain white rice with soy).
What basic set of clothes would you feel most comfortable lounging about in front of a computer in?
Denim jeans, socks, a t-shirt or polo shirt and depending on the temperature maybe a sweater. I don't like to dress below that level because then if I suddenly need to leave the house I can just go without worrying about what I'm wearing.
You should play/watch a LP of Metal Gear Solid 2 if you haven't already.
Oh right a question... uh....
What's your most favorite and least favorite thing about being a moderator?
My favourite thing is being able to deal with problems so the good people of the CSTSF don't have to get upset about them. Well I mean, we still get upset at bad members, but there isn't that feeling of futility like when gardebiter was in charge where people could more or less get away with murder and nothing could be done about it, and if you complained then he'd yell at *you* instead. I try my best to keep the forums in good shape and that gives me a feeling of personal satisfaction. Even if I'm maybe not the perfect shining paragon of modly virtues.
My least favourite thing is GOD DAMN SPAMBOTS and the people that respond to them. By extension, also the people that click their links because they are what makes it profitable in the first place but that's a much more difficult demographic to focus my rage on. When I grow up I will be the spammer bat man, hunting down spammers in the night and setting their servers on fire.
How long have you been here?
Probably since where it says "Join date" on the top of my post.
Why is your username Noxid?
Because it sounded cool. The rest must be investigated on your own, that way I can tell who's a creepy internet detective and should probably be avoided.
Beards are badass and I'm badass. Thus, it follows that I should grow a beard.
How do you pronounce this? I read it as eight syllables.
ze-ro eye less than se-ven
Favorite and least favorite programming languages, and why?
This answer is largely based on research and hearsay, but so far the language that I like the looks of most is C#. It's like java, but without all the unnecessarily oversimplified nonsense that results in one having to use workarounds to circumvent core features of the language, such as the lack of unsigned data types and the cryptic interface to native code. And it's like C++, but without all the artifacts of its need to support C code.
From what I've seen of Visual Basic, I feel sorry for anybody who only knows how to write with that language. It's just so backwards and weird and just.. why >_>
Of course, I would have to probably do some serious coding with either to know for sure whether it's as good or as bad as I think it is. of the two languages I know, I prefer C++ over Java on a conceptual level but I often find myself working with Java to write small programs because Swing is far more intuitive (and I have more practice with it) than Windows programming. Plus, it's cross platform, so hey why not.
If you could instantly become proficient at any particular skill of your choosing, without any effort on your part, what skill would you choose and why?
I'd have to say computer programming, because not only would that be fairly lucrative for me, learning how to program isn't the fun part - it's seeing what you can make with those programs that is. I thought about choosing the ability to draw, but I realized that it's just as much fun learning about it and seeing myself get better as it is to have a nice finished product. Whereas, having an instant deep and profound knowledge of say, C++ and the DirectX API would just serve to unlock my ability to develop games and other utilities without being inhibited by my knowledge.
a) What's your goal in life?
When I was very young, my primary goal in life was to get a good paying job so I wouldn't need to worry about what I could spend money on or bills or debts. I didn't care about what the job was, because once I had enough money I could just quit and do whatever I wanted.
My outlook hasn't changed significantly, other than to realize that I probably don't need the extravagant house or expensive things I thought I wanted when I was a kid - I think I'd be happy with a fairly modest lifestyle as long as it was free from worry and I had enough free time to pursue my own goals. Of course, if I could make a living pursuing those goals, that'd be spiffy, but I still am really skeptical as to whether I could ever make a living just for being cool.
b) What's your favourite food you can prepare yourself, and what is it's recipe (I would make it)
I'd have to say it's
Flying Jacob (Flygande Jakob). The recipe is ridiculous and swedish, consisting of chili sauce and whipped cream over rice with cooked chicken, banana slices and peanuts. But it's so rich and flavourful, and easy to make too as long as you've got a casserole dish. The chicken breast can be substituted for ripped up rotisserie chicken from the store to make things even easier.