The Definitive Bullet ID List

May 12, 2017 at 8:58 AM
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Hey just real quick I was tired of the assembly compendium and other sources having inaccurate or unfinished lists for the bullet ids.

Here's all 45 bullets with proper tagging. No spur bullets for some odd reason listed at 2B or some other weird inaccuracy. This is the definitive list.

HEX   DEC    Bullet
01    01    Snake lvl1
02    02    Snake lvl2
03    03    Snake lvl3
04    04    Polar Star lvl1
05    05    Polar Star lvl2
06    06    Polar Star lvl3 / Spur (Uncharged Shot)
07    07    Fireball lvl1
08    08    Fireball lvl2
09    09    Fireball lvl3
0A    10    Machine Gun lvl1
0B    11    MG lvl2
0C    12    MG lvl3
0D    13    Missile Launcher lvl1
0E    14    ML lvl2
0F    15    ML lvl3
10    16    ML explosion 1
11    17    ML explosion 2
12    18    ML explosion 3
13    19    Bubbler lvl1
14    20    Bubbler lvl2
15    21    Bubbler lvl3
16    22    Bubbler lvl3 Thorns
17    23    Blade Slashes
18    24    -127 Falling Spike
19    25    Blade lvl1
1A    26    Blade lvl2
1B    27    Blade lvl3
1C    28    Super Missile Launcher lvl1
1D    29    SML lvl2
1E    30    SML lvl3
1F    31    SML explosion 1
20    31    SML explosion 2
21    33    SML explosion 3
22    34    Nemesis lvl1
23    35    Nemesis lvl2
24    36    Nemesis lvl3
25    37    Spur lvl1
26    38    Spur lvl2
27    39    Spur lvl3 (MAX)
28    40    Spur lvl1 trail
29    41    Spur lvl2 trail
2A    42    Spur lvl3 (MAX) trail
2B    43    Curly's Nemesis
2C    44    Clear All Enemy
2D    45    Whimsical Star

Also as I'm writing this Thomas Xin has notified me that this list (minus a minor error that has now been corrected) is in his assembly guide. I didn't know that beforehand and I'm guessing a lot of people wouldn't either, so here's a full finished resource at least in one place you can bounce back to or something?

okay i love you goodbye
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May 14, 2017 at 6:03 PM
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This might only be tangentially related, but I hope you don't mind if I ask here this stuff I've been wondering for a while.
So, I see missile launcher 'explosions' being listed as separate weapons, this is kind of interesting. Indeed, the missile launcher does behave kind of weird in that it doesn't deal the same damage to different enemies. I would suppose that this is due to the bullet inducing explosions on impact that vary in number depending on the size(?) of the target. Is this right? Or is there something more going on?
Also, the lvl3 Blade has always intrigued me. Apart from the main bullet of King's soul, there are all those little slashes around him, and I see that they are listed as separate weapons as well. I'd like to know more about their exact behaviour, their individual damage, their movement, how many appear, etc.
Also, regarding the Spur's trails. How are these differentiated from the main bullet, and how exactly could their behaviour be described?
Thank you very much in advance!
May 15, 2017 at 5:12 PM
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This might only be tangentially related, but I hope you don't mind if I ask here this stuff I've been wondering for a while.
So, I see missile launcher 'explosions' being listed as separate weapons, this is kind of interesting. Indeed, the missile launcher does behave kind of weird in that it doesn't deal the same damage to different enemies. I would suppose that this is due to the bullet inducing explosions on impact that vary in number depending on the size(?) of the target. Is this right? Or is there something more going on?
Also, the lvl3 Blade has always intrigued me. Apart from the main bullet of King's soul, there are all those little slashes around him, and I see that they are listed as separate weapons as well. I'd like to know more about their exact behaviour, their individual damage, their movement, how many appear, etc.
Also, regarding the Spur's trails. How are these differentiated from the main bullet, and how exactly could their behaviour be described?
Thank you very much in advance!
Hey, so the thing is that Weapons and Bullets are two almost completely separate things. A weapon is what you hold and gain experience with, and firing it pretty much creates bullets at your position and not much else. Bullets contain their own velocity/damage/range themselves.

So like, there are only 10 weapons in the game, but the reason attempting to use weapon ID's 6, 8, and 11 don't work is because Pixel I guess wanted to keep it organized with their respective bullets, but they aren't really weapons since there is no code there to begin with I'm pretty sure.

(It is also of note that I just started dipping my toes into the ASM side of things so this is more speculation from what I've seen and tested rather than me actually understanding the code behind it).

Another thing about bullets is they don't just have a set number of damage to deal, but also a "number of hits" too, which kinda acts as durability. At 1 the bullet will be absorbed by whatever it hits, but increasing this allows it to keeping hitting the entity as it phases through them. This explains why Missile Explosions (as well as the spur) seem to do different amounts of damage. A weak enemy will stop taking damage once it's dead, whereas a stronger one will keep taking it and so it will show a larger red damage number than the previous one.

I actually don't know all the specifics about how the missile launcher works either, but basically Missile Bullets spawn explosion bullets on impact. Same with Blade lvl3, the bullet itself is spawning the slashes bullet as it's moving along. You can use this super easy guide to test out these bullets by making the polarstar fire them and such, and they are also found in the bullet data of both CaveEditor (offset by 2, so to edit blade slashes (ID: 23) you have to go to page 25, whimsical stars are at page 47 etc.) or in the most recent version of Booster's Lab (Version 4.5, found in the hackinator under "misc_bullets").
Bubbler lvl3 also spawns the "thorns" bullet when it pops, etc.

And to answer you question about the spur trail bullets, essentially they are motionless spur bullets. Same as how lvl3 blade creates slashes, a spur bullet will spawn the trail behind it, whereas taking this out would just basically give you a single shot spur with no trail.
May 15, 2017 at 11:37 PM
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Okay, that all makes great sense. Thanks a lot!
Jun 9, 2017 at 2:41 PM
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It's just a polar star lvl 3
Jun 9, 2017 at 2:49 PM
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25    37    Spur lv12
26    38    Spur lvl3
27    39    Spur lvl3 MAX
well we got 3 entries here and 3 types of beams
so i'm completely at a loss we'll have to wait for runelancer to get back before we can solve this mystery
Jun 9, 2017 at 3:12 PM
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No that's "lvl0."
25    37    Spur lv12
26    38    Spur lvl3
27    39    Spur lvl3 MAX
well we got 3 entries here and 3 types of beams
so i'm completely at a loss we'll have to wait for runelancer to get back before we can solve this mystery
Might need to relabel but technically the spur doesn't shoot a beam until you reach lvl 2 so...
Jun 12, 2017 at 1:20 AM
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Then just rename "spur lvl0" to lvl1.
I don't think that would be an accurate representation of what levels the spur can be, since it never goes below level 1.

That level 3 Polar Star bullet was the same as a level 1 Spur bullet. I'm not sure what any Cave Story gun would look like in a level 0 state, but I'd imagine any level 0 weapon from the game wouldn't work very well, save maybe for the Nemesis.
Jun 12, 2017 at 2:15 AM
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So do you guys reccomend I rename them to "Spur Shot (uncharged)" and "Lvl 1/2/3 Spur Beam"?
Jun 14, 2017 at 1:14 PM
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Uhh. You're acting like I suggested renaming it to lvl0??
Oops, sorry. I completely read your post backwards. Please disregard that post I made, I actually agree with what you were saying.