Jun 1, 2010 at 2:54 AM
Join Date: Mar 23, 2010
Location: Hidden Palace Zone
Posts: 305
Age: 38
I just heard about this. That video is like the biggest wet dream a Mario World fan could have; hell, perhaps a Nintendo fan in general.
Metroid stages?
Mother Brain boss?
Zelda stages?
Music from all across the Nintendo first-party SNES/N64-era board?
All kinds of powerups in easy-to-use SMW format?
Portable bullet bill launcher?
Portable HAMMER BRO?
Two-player co-op that looks about 1000x less annoying than NSMB Wii's?
Seamless splitscreen only when needed?
Galaxy-style "pointer that does useful things for you" feature?
Machinegun fireballs?
New elemental Yoshis?
High-resolution SMW action and lots of other things that would be impossible to do in a simple SMW hack (not that I don't love a good SMW hack)?
Yeah, I'm excited. And I guess it's available for download right now... too bad I'm tired as heck as of this posting!