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Sue - W.I.T.W.F.M ((Pre?)Alpha) V1.0

Nov 11, 2014 at 2:14 AM
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Life Story.
This mod started out as me wanting to make a mod based on a Cave Story Fanfiction (I don't know what that says about me but... :debug: )
But I didn't just want to make ANY mod based off a story, I wanted to make a visual novel, of a Cave Story Fanfic IN CAVE STORY! (A first to my knowlage)
So that's what this mod will be after I finish it, of course. Got the =Spur=!
Currently this mod is bug ridden and still only in the intro of the story so it's mostly a big wall of text with pictures in the background.
Which may make you wonder why I even posted this in the first place.
Well, That's because most of the bugs are "hard to explain" to say the least...
So, for the benifit of getting this mod complete in a timely manner, I'm posting this as a way showing what the bugs are and getting some help from the community. (especially on the custom NPC/ASM side of things)
So If you're an experienced modder/artist with nothing better to do then feel free to help out with the things on the Bug List/Dev Stuff list down there VVV

Poll Results!
Since focus on gameplay won with a landslide victory (7 to 1) I will now be focusing on gameplay!
I'm going to finish the mod in visual novel style and then add gameplay once I have a good base to work with.

Download ((Pre?)-Alpha) V1.0

Most Custom art (so far) by Spaghettiface2.
Facepics stolen from BombchuLink's Sue's Story.

Change Log.
V1.0 (Dev V1.7)
First buggy release.

Bug List/Dev Stuff (Look here for things YOU can help with)
-When ever you change NPCSlide's height it grows down (IE if you place NPCSlide on a floating piece of land and set the height to 30(?) or above you'll see whatever is in the sprite sheet below 0,20? will be poking out through the floor on the other side). Once I get this sorted out then all those sleeping mimigas are going to disappear.
-Momorin is currently skipping a walking frame (Maybe it's just going by really quickly?).
-Currently waiting on a better Couch and a Sitting sprite for PJ Sue from SpagFace2.
-Level design (If you can call it that) needs work (I'm looking at you backyard :sue: ).
-Need to get around to asking BombchuLink about a helicopter that can swap between two sprites, Still has animated blades and can move in any direction, all using TSC.
-The intro/first level is still finite (You can see this in Chapter 1).
-White is currently being used as a place holder background song. (More advanced song switching will be used in the future)

Any feedback/bug findings would be greatly appreciated!
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Nov 11, 2014 at 2:34 AM
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Yes, the fan fiction will get a game! This is perfect!
Nov 11, 2014 at 2:41 AM
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I really loved the fanfiction, and I'm probably going to like this.

les do dis


Oh hey look auto fullscreen

you should probably remove the excess files
I.E. ****backup.exe, Manual, etc



also I kind of like the tiles yet at the same time they look kinda shit
plus the road shouldn't be green :\







ok just to be clear
don't put ENTERS after <CLRs or else you'll get linebreak
go fix them RIGHT NOW


where'd she go

also background looks weird compared to the actual map

you should kind of paraphrase the beginning dialogue
it's a pain to skip through



ok so after their conversation Momorin moonwalked


this mod has a fetish for mimigas I can smell it

some amount of gameplay would be nice


sue you're going to get hurt

I guess that's the end
the coptor animation was a bit choppy but I understand it

all in all it has potential but idk
Nov 11, 2014 at 4:05 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I really loved the fanfiction, and I'm probably going to like this.

les do dis


Oh hey look auto fullscreen


you should probably remove the excess files
I.E. ****backup.exe, Manual, etc

I left those in becuase I thought they might be useful in the future (If I ever needed help with the custom NPCs) but now that I think about it again I don't think they're needed... at all...




also I kind of like the tiles yet at the same time they look kinda shit

That might be called "Not fitting with Cave Story's art style". If you really don't like them I'm open to submitions if you think you can make something better.

plus the road shouldn't be green :\

Even with my highly limited art skills I 'should' be able to fix that.









Do you mean <NOD or am I-

ok just to be clear
don't put ENTERS after <CLRs or else you'll get linebreak
go fix them RIGHT NOW

OKAY! I'll check the script again for any more of those too.


where'd she go

See "intro/first level is still finite (You can see this in Chapter 1)". You just saw it in Chapter 1.

also background looks weird compared to the actual map

I thought it looked good at the time but that cloud effect doesn't really make sence considering this is on the surface...

you should kind of paraphrase the beginning dialogue
it's a pain to skip through

Currently all the dialog is Copy -> Paste from the original fanfic but I am going to add a <YNJ to skip the boring walking segment of chapter 1 at the very least



See bug No.1

ok so after their conversation Momorin moonwalked

REALLY!?!? I was sure that was fixed already... Well, of to complain to Bombchu.


this mod has a fetish for mimigas I can smell it

Oh, That one is supposed to be sue. I was just trying to fix Bug No.1 and so changed what sprite was being used.

some amount of gameplay would be nice

I'm not sure if I should actually have "gameplay" or stick to the style of what you see now (visual novel). Considering that it's a linear story that I have to work with a visual novel would be easier but considering this is a Cave Story mod it would make sence for there to actually be something worth playing. How about I start a Poll and go from there?


sue you're going to get hurt

See Bug/Dev thing No.5

I guess that's the end
the coptor animation was a bit choppy but I understand it

Once I get that new helicopter npc, that animation will become not choppy.

(Also, Hahaha)

all in all it has potential but idk

idk either
Will respond to all of this RIGHT NOW!

Nov 11, 2014 at 12:45 PM
Soup Man
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oh neat i'll check this out
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Nov 11, 2014 at 6:14 PM
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I haven't tried the mod, but there are innumerable citations I'm giving you for that poll:

#GamesR4Playing implies that the mod has to have gameplay.
#2ManyWords4U implies that the mod has too many words, and should have gameplay.
I can't tell the difference between the two choices.

I'd also suggest not adding in a "What's a poll?" option, cause that's an abusive joke answer.

Also hashtags make you look ridiculous. Don't.
Nov 11, 2014 at 6:16 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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EnlightenedOne said:
I haven't tried the mod, but there are innumerable citations I'm giving you for that poll:

#GamesR4Playing implies that the mod has to have gameplay.
#2ManyWords4U implies that the mod has too many words, and should have gameplay.
I can't tell the difference between the two choices.

I'd also suggest not adding in a "What's a poll?" option, cause that's an abusive joke answer.

Also hashtags make you look ridiculous. Don't.
I tried to make a joke. :critter:
Nov 11, 2014 at 7:34 PM
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P
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Spirit Drifter said:
the coptor animation was a bit choppy but I understand it
Spirit you clever bastard
May 28, 2016 at 4:13 AM
Soup Man
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Oh I remember this.
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May 28, 2016 at 4:56 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Yeah... 2+ years old this...
I still do plan on finishing it, but I still have to finish what I'm working on right now.
Plus, I might end up rebuilding it from the ground up...