So, just played it. Just to let you know, the download link in the first post isn't working, so I had to get it from the post above me. Since this is so early on in development, I'm not going to rate it yet, but I'll give you a little feedback. First off, the title in the main menu says it's by Jethawk. Second, I know that the remix of endless mine by GIRakaCHEEZER is good, but it's not the most fitting thing. If you're going to make a mod like this, you'd better get good at making music in ORGmaker, and at assembly hacking. Also, I really think it would make sense to resprite the power crystals into rings. Even though it's interesting how you can run fast, there's a lot of improvement on the walking and jumping physics. Some of those loops where you have to get a running head-start and jump are hard to make, and really don't make a lot of sense. And sometimes it's not real obvious that you're supposed to spindash to bust through a certain wall, and the way to do it is awkward. Also, jumping on springs doesn't do any thing, you have to press down in order to do it. Now I nkow why you wanted to use GIR's spring hack. It would also make some sense if Sonic's jumping sprite were a ball. There's also room for improvement for the sprites and tile sets. The level design is patchy as well. Even though I am heavily criticizing this mod, I think it's a lot better than your previous project. Anyway, I was a huge fan of Sonic when I was younger, and he still has a special place in my heart to this day. Here are a few parts of the level appearance that didn't quite make sense:
Also, it didn't make sense that the text there required a <NOD to continue; I think it should be automatic.
For this one, if I go above that grassy part, I can't go through. So when I jumped high enough to clear it, I was blocked by an invisible wall, and couldn't make the jump:
Anyway, even though there's really a
lot of room for improvement, I'm actually seeing some potential in this mod. The most important thing to do right now though, is get some stable walking and jumping physics. This might be a hard hurdle to jump, but that and making good music are the first things you want to do to get this mod off the ground.