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Stone Soldier- V0.2

Dec 22, 2011 at 1:59 AM
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Choices- Beta

So I tried my hand at modding CS, and this was the product.
Stone Soldier V0.1
I'm back again, and this time I added a little more to the package.
Stone Soldier V0.2

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, and I will have screenshots up (relatively) soon.
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:08 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Re: Choices- Beta

Was it supposed to be really short (like 2 rooms)? Uh, I like the design, but your scripting could use some work :p
Particularly transitioning from one room to another. Can't really think of anything else I guess.
Dec 22, 2011 at 2:34 AM
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-When you go to the top of the first room, you should have the player have to jump up to the next room.
-When you go from the second room to the first room, you are calling upon the wrong event when transtioning.
-Look at the average door script for CS and fix your doors.
-The lack of music makes me feel lonely.
-Why do you have jump set to X >_<

A fairly basic mod. But to make it better, you need to create something memorable about each level. Notice how in nearly every video game level, there is something memorable? Try to do that.
Dec 22, 2011 at 6:16 AM
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You've got good level design, but your scripting could use some work (I'd be more than happy to help you out with that part)
You need fade-outs on your two doors as well as having them actually open when used, the fade-out when transitioning into the upper room would look better if it faded from the top and you should probably have a <HMC when you trigger the event to move up into the next room.
And like the above poster said, music would really help, be it custom or vanilla.
Dec 22, 2011 at 8:13 PM
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Re: Choices- Beta

Thanks for the feedback guize.

I whipped this up in about five hours, so I still need to refine most of the little things. I know the scripting needs work, any advice is gladly accepted.

I asked Noxid about adding music, and he said that I would need a resource hacker. I don't know how difficult this would be, but hopefully I'll have it added soon. (Gir also added that you can add music via Sue's Workshop, but the executable may malfunction.)

I plan on adding a minimum of three maps with each update, in addition to sprites and plot implementation. I already have a basic plot worked out, but I don't feel like ruining the suspense I can tell has built up in each and every one of you.
Dec 22, 2011 at 8:27 PM
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Re: Choices- Beta

Played it, congratulations on your first demo mod :)
Feb 22, 2012 at 5:28 PM
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Oh hey, anyone remember this? After a hiatus, I continued work on this little mod of mine.
It's still a relatively short, and I still haven't nailed the tunnel transitions thus far They still work fine, but sometimes they glitch and don't work. Also, I couldn't get the bumping 100% correct so I did the best I could to get the PC where they're supposed to be. You'll understand if you play the demo.
Oh yeah, I'm also calling my mod Stone Soldier now. It's going to be similar to Cave Story, and is practically just for the sake of me getting sure footing on CS modding.

Stone Soldier V0.2
Feb 23, 2012 at 7:11 AM
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The chest in the house doesn't work properly, otherwise I like the general design
Feb 23, 2012 at 8:19 PM
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Yes, the chest sometimes malfunctions. If you restart the game though, it should work fine.