Spirit's Saga Relived [V0.0.2.2] (Not anymore...)

Nov 4, 2014 at 2:57 AM
"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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Posts: 54
Fun Fact :
Dun Chibe is really Dum Shibe in another language!

That is your fun fact for the day!
Nov 4, 2014 at 3:00 AM
thinks dogs are cool
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google translate isn't translating it to anything
are you sure you're telling the truth
Nov 4, 2014 at 3:10 AM
"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
Join Date: Oct 31, 2014
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Posts: 54
Muahaha! That's because I translated it in such a way that it would be
impossible to reverse engineer it! I even tested it myself! Muhaha!
(By the way I'm working on ANOTHER fan art - sort of a poster)
Nov 4, 2014 at 3:15 AM
thinks dogs are cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Location: a bathroom
Posts: 620
what are the green/gray things sprouting from her back
also where are ears
I don't understand

also her name is Grey lmao
Nov 4, 2014 at 9:51 AM
"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
Join Date: Oct 31, 2014
Location: ¡ʎʌıus ɹǝpıds ɐ s,ʇı 'ʇno ɥɔʇɐM ˙ɟooɹ ɹnoʎ uo
Posts: 54
durp durp durp
durp durp durp
durp durp a durp durp durp durp durp
Nov 4, 2014 at 12:54 PM
Perpetually out of it
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Nov 4, 2014 at 2:48 PM
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Well I played it and it was rather nice. I await the next update.
Nov 4, 2014 at 9:48 PM
thinks dogs are cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
Join Date: Apr 6, 2014
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Posts: 620
Thanke for playing!
And the next update might not be for a while, sorry. I plan on, you know, actually making an update and not a minor one.
Nov 7, 2014 at 12:31 AM
thinks dogs are cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Posts: 620
oh my gods you totally should

This is still being worked on! dontkillme

Maybe major design changes, names, and a "Second Player"?!? Who knows!
Nov 7, 2014 at 3:15 AM
Soup Man
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Pretty good... so far.
Nov 7, 2014 at 3:46 AM
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
Join Date: Jun 28, 2013
Posts: 517
Spirit Drifter said:
"Second Player"?!?
Let me just clarify to all of you, that Spirit is not a fucking idiot who thinks he can add multiplayer into his mod.
Nov 7, 2014 at 4:27 AM
thinks dogs are cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Posts: 620
yes thank you cause it wasn't apparent I guess
Nov 10, 2014 at 12:19 AM
beep boop
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Couldn't help but notice the lack of an animated background, you have to chose a different scroll type for the map.
Nov 10, 2014 at 1:08 AM
thinks dogs are cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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Posts: 620
yeah someone pointed that out in the skype group and I fixed it
but thanks anyways
Nov 10, 2014 at 1:14 AM
beep boop
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Aug 16, 2014
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No problem! Thank goodness it was only that, because while developing the east balcony in Before Story, I accidentally used the zero gravity universe setting, and not only did I not get the animated background to work, I became a magic bubble!
Jan 23, 2015 at 1:28 AM
thinks dogs are cool
"All your forum are belong to us!"
Join Date: Apr 6, 2014
Location: a bathroom
Posts: 620
This mod will no longer be worked on.
See the original post for more information.
