Mar 5, 2007 at 4:52 PM
Join Date: Jun 15, 2004
Location: Georgia
Posts: 367
Age: 44
Pronouns: he/him
Shining Phantom and I figured out how to turn on the already existing image verification security with new registers. It was supposed to be already working before, but apparently I didn't have a server side option enabled that would allow the process to work. It seems to be working now which should help elminate most of the spam problems the forum has been having as of late. For now I've made it so that all new registrations that are able to complete this new registration process will be given automatic membership to post on the forums,. This should help alleviate the stress and downtime of new members not being able to post upon registering at the forums.
Hopefully this will end this chapter of spam robots from attacking the site. It was getting pretty bad for awhile as for every one legitimate person, I received about ten spam bots.
Thanks for bearing with us on this "hopefully resolved" issue.
Hopefully this will end this chapter of spam robots from attacking the site. It was getting pretty bad for awhile as for every one legitimate person, I received about ten spam bots.
Thanks for bearing with us on this "hopefully resolved" issue.