So I started a hack.

Aug 27, 2006 at 8:18 PM
The Bartender
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PXTone converts pxt files to wav.

I'm visiting my mother, who has internet access, and brought the latest release of the hack with me. I'll edit this post in an hour or so, because I have to reinstall Windows on her PC first, with a link to the hack.

It goes as far as the core area, which means a few extra cutscenes, a new boss (another form of Cerberus) and the desert area, along with a little preview of the core area.
Aug 27, 2006 at 10:12 PM
The Bartender
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Nope, not yet. I haven't had time to finish coding those. They're available in the last room, but not quite usable yet. I forgot how far along the code is though. Right now, if I brought the latest version along, they're lobbable but don't bounce and don't do any damage.

Here's the link.
Aug 27, 2006 at 10:17 PM
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I had to click Save as and add .zip at the end, otherwise it saves as an incorrect file.
I like the new icon.

Right, now to play it. Will edit or post again later.

Edit1: In the top left corner of the grotto, there's a black space. Small thing, but just pointing it out.
New music for the Factory? Or is it just me? Could be...

Edit2: Definitely like the new musc and sound effects. Me likey you using the <MS2 for the winning of a boss battle.

Edit3: Turns out, not new music, just had it on mute on all channels XD

Edit4: I've just completed it. For starters, it's awesome. The new background for the Start is awesome - where did you find it? The desert is good - i like the robot type creatures, and those Sabretooth enemies. Just... incredible. The grenades I found in the Core... Your walkthrough says in the desert. Although when i go to that health refill thing in the core, if i keep pressing down, i keep gaining ammo for the grenades. Shame they don't work ;) Ah well. Awesome work though, waiting for the updated Core.

Although I was wondering, (I'll check the .exe tomorrow morning) wouldn't it be cool if you had the image you used in your manual (You know, the one that has the Island in thebackground, and then Original Sin, in the Foreground), as the background to the title screen?
Aug 28, 2006 at 1:33 AM
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I haven't played it yet, but I just downloaded it, and I suggest you find somewhere else to store your files besides FileFactory - they seem to have trouble with filenames that have spaces in them, as the Assembly file and this zip file both came to me as Assembly and Original, with no finished filenames or extensions.
Aug 28, 2006 at 2:49 AM
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RuneLancer said:
PXTone converts pxt files to wav.

Silly me. I wasn't paying attention to the fact that Winamp said the WAV file was 0:00, meaning it ACTUALLY HAD A LENGTH. And Winamp is set by default to fade out so many miliseconds before the end of a file that playing it did nothing. I ran the wav in windows media player and boom, it's fine. Last time I let winamp steal my wav file association. -.-

*downloads new version of Original Sin greedily*

EDIT: The sprite for 'aiming up' while on ground is creepy. His left (our right) eye shifts over to the side a bit o.O.

EDIT2: Only when he's facing left.

EDIT3: So THAT's why I couldn't beat that boss before. Less life capsules, yes, but also because there was practically no way to dodge the fire because had a bigger spread than it does now.

EDIT4: Is there some sort of hidden save point in the village? Cause it's really annoying to have to get the jump boots and beat the boss for entrance to the desert, then running back to the center of the factory just to save (and hopefully getting a heart before taking damage at 2 hp)

lol, EDIT5: A suggestion: A good mod for the graphics of the airtank. At least shrink the bubble to a little bigger than his head. He's not a robot anymore, he doesn't need a bubble big enough to protect his entire circuitry. You could make it one of those glass 'sphere' helmets, but I'm thinking just resizing the original bubble to be around his head would be less cliche.

As for drowning, it's probably been said before, but it would be better to use the original air timer (albeit with probably FEWER seconds) before gradual hp drowning. I'm pretty sure Rick, like any other human being, can hold his breath for a while before the lack of air starts to cause him actual physical harm. But also, a single gulp of air won't instantly cure a person's lack of oxygen, too. So have air gradually restored when he surfaces from the water. Fast, but not too fast. So if he gets a small gasp of air before heading back under, it won't reset the timer, but add to it a bit, or if he's 'drowning', give him a few seconds reprieve from more HP drain. Considering the assembly hacking I've seen you do to CaveStory so far, this could be relatively easy. Or I could just have no idea what I'm talking about ;)
Aug 28, 2006 at 2:52 PM
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In the desert there are a lot of really powerful enemies to deal with, with only 11hp. Too much spikes & cactuses that do like 10 damage & the rock cannon levels down to level 2 too quickly & it's really weak (4x weaker than level 1) I've gotten used to using the jump boots. the red lights above the teleporters aren't in the right position.
Aug 28, 2006 at 3:25 PM
The Bartender
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If you only have 11 health, you've gone through the game too fast and skipped a few capsules. I'm going to assume you did read the readme document and read about the harder to find capsules in the spoiler-free walkthrough, so I'd advise keeping an eye out for items on your next playthrough.

It's hardly a wonder that you're getting creamed. Barring poor skills and sub-par reflexes, relying on the rock cannon won't get you ery far. It's weak, much weaker than the handgun even. An intelligent player may make use of it to attack distant enemies (given its range) and switch to a shorter-range but more powerful weapon when they close in. Therefore, the low amount of energy at level 3 and low atttack power are justified.

The cactii don't even move. Unless you try to single-jump over them, there's no reason why a player should ever hit them, short of by accident. As for the enemies, none of them pose much of a challenge save for the jumping and shooting robots. There are only a handfull of those. The rest are all either slow-moving (the hopping robots), very predictable (the desert wolves and alker robots), mostly harmless (the bat-carried shooters, which are rarely in the way save for a bit near the end), or merely obstacles you can safely dispatch with a few quick shots (the bats.)

My friend's 8-year old brother managed to play through the demo without breaking a sweat. You might want to consider playing more slowly and taking enemies out one at a time instead of trying to rush through things. The hack is not difficult, especially with the walkthrough, unless you're careless and try too hard to hurry through a stage. The only hard part is the first section of the tunnel, because you can't kill anything and have to hurry through a few tight jumps.

Edit: There is a save point in the village. It's in plain sight in one of the houses.

It's hardly hidden. I'm surprised you missed it, in fact. ;)
Aug 28, 2006 at 4:32 PM
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I kept my old profile with all the life capsules so I assumed I wasn't supposed to re-get
the ones that I already got & I didn't get any of the ones in the desert or the one in the area before it

I don't completely rely on the rock cannon I use it a lot because I like to keep a safe distance from the enemys for the low attack power I was talking about level 2 witch also has a short range and splays out the rocks so you can't concentrate it on the enemy that's trying to kill you level 1 is much better even with it's even shorter range

some of the spikes and cactuses are at the bottom of jumps that are offscreen

I'm not the one who asked about the save point in the village

also the tigers are way too weak compared to the rest of the enemies
Aug 28, 2006 at 4:55 PM
The Bartender
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I think I mentionned a little while back that capsules had been added and/or altered. Either way, the old profile is no longer valid. Flags have changed, too, so chances are you'd have a hard time going through the maps.

I could tweak the behavior of everything to try to make everyone happy, but that's not realistic. The machine gun, the desert wolves, and other such things will not have 1 added to their damage or 2 removed from their health or whatever. I'd never get anything done if I changed things everytime someone wants a minor tweak. Other people who've tested it found the desert to be terribly easy, hile some found it moderately hard. There's no way to appeal to every category of player.

There aren't blind jumps in the desert. You can hold down to scroll the viewpoint a little bit. This isn't new to Original Sin - it's just like it was in Cave Story. Of course if you throw yourself off of a large cliff, yeah, you can expect to land in some messy spots. There is only one place where a jump might require crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, but I believe the ground underneath the platform is high enough to spot it and plan ahead.

The last part of the post was not targetted at you, btw.
Aug 28, 2006 at 10:55 PM
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RuneLancer said:
I think I mentionned a little while back that capsules had been added and/or altered. Either way, the old profile is no longer valid. Flags have changed, too, so chances are you'd have a hard time going through the maps.

I could tweak the behavior of everything to try to make everyone happy, but that's not realistic. The machine gun, the desert wolves, and other such things will not have 1 added to their damage or 2 removed from their health or whatever. I'd never get anything done if I changed things everytime someone wants a minor tweak. Other people who've tested it found the desert to be terribly easy, hile some found it moderately hard. There's no way to appeal to every category of player.

There aren't blind jumps in the desert. You can hold down to scroll the viewpoint a little bit. This isn't new to Original Sin - it's just like it was in Cave Story. Of course if you throw yourself off of a large cliff, yeah, you can expect to land in some messy spots. There is only one place where a jump might require crossing your fingers and hoping for the best, but I believe the ground underneath the platform is high enough to spot it and plan ahead.

The last part of the post was not targetted at you, btw.

I never knew that you could scroll the veiwpoint down
Aug 29, 2006 at 4:16 PM
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Ya, just stand against something and push the stick (or arrow key) in the direction you want to see more of.
The screen won't center on your guy and instead will move off in that direction for a bit.
Aug 29, 2006 at 9:21 PM
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Woo, finished the demo. I'm not entirely sure I got all the life that I should have, and I'm still insanely curious as to what it is that's sparkling in the caves before the flooded area, but have yet to make it back alive.
Aug 29, 2006 at 9:53 PM
The Bartender
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Good going. :(

It shouldn't be too hard to get through the flooded tunnel if you've picked up every capsule once you have the boots. You should have around 15 health, which is enough to pass through. Take full advantage of the fact you can double-jump to hurry through.

Did you complete the mini-quest in the desert? :)
Aug 30, 2006 at 12:12 AM
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The three-part heart container? I couldn't find the third part. I'll go look again.

EDIT: Yay! Wow. 18 health. Though I had 13 before... am I still missing a heart container?

EDIT2: After finding the little shiny thing in the first cave I also found a heart container I missed. Now I'm starting to get why the game was so hard for me. DAMN YOU DECOY HEART CONTAINER!!!

I'm assuming that right now there's nothing I can do with the gold besides trade it for the Flame Thrower Parts, right? And I can't get the rest of the parts for that yet either?
Aug 30, 2006 at 5:40 AM
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I too have finished the demo up to the core part and it looks good so far.
Osmose: I've got 21 health, check the high corner of the
dry cave
for another capsule if you've only got 18.
Aug 30, 2006 at 7:12 AM
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I got the 21 health with that last capsule I missed in the first cave. :)
Aug 30, 2006 at 3:58 PM
The Bartender
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I'm going to assume everyone has given the manual a look and gotten the less obvious capsules mentionned in the mini-walkthrough. :)

You guys DO read manuals, right? :(
Aug 30, 2006 at 4:29 PM
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Hell no. I prefer to find everything myself.

And then, when I was relatively sure that I had, I looked and realized it wasn't structured like an FAQ: I had to read everything to find the specific piece of info I was wondering about. :(

Now having read it, I didn't miss anything, but I still say if you're going to include an FAQ with your game it should be better. :)