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RS Mod- Cavestory Reprogrammed

Aug 6, 2010 at 11:56 AM
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This is the website for my Mod, case you wanna look.
Rouge-Studios-Cavestory Reprogrammed

To clear things up, demo/preview is an attachment on the link (page) above

It's still Beta and VERY MUCH under devolpment, so if I completely redesign it all over again, don't be surprised.

On to business:
So, until I come up with a different name (And maybe a better one ;), this mod is called CaveStory Reprogrammed.

'Quote' (but in this mod, he's not Quote) is Blue, not very imaginative, but ah well.

The weapon's are edited, though the bullet's aren't very good, still figuring out what weapons I want. Names, description's were done without out thought, and the pic's were done when I was bored, but I plan on making them better :)

Still working on a plot.

So far, maybe the main character is Quote's brother. Im thinking of setting this as a prequel, set on the surface.

And now, this mod is my IT project, so I have a reason to work on it more!

Hmm, I think that's all...

Help is alway's, well, helpful. (Yes, im a newbie :D)

Thank's, Arcaline (RS Staff)
Aug 6, 2010 at 12:51 PM
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Wow, this has been in development for a while :0 Welcome to the site and all that.

Not much to say about this so far, since it appears to end after the First Cave-type area. There are a few spelling mistakes and minor scripting errors (e.g. text cutting off, doors not opening/closing properly) but everything so far seems basically functional. The new title screen art is nice too. Design-wise, there's a lot of empty space in the first area that doesn't really seem do anything, and that second save point at the bottom of the pit probably isn't necessary. The elevators add a nice touch, though.

Forgive me if you already know this, but the guys here have figured out how to actually change the weapons in the game themselves, not just the sprites (i.e. damage, range etc.). If you want, you can check out the Hacking/Modding section and see if you want to try it; basic changes are pretty simple to make but go a long way to giving mod a new and unique feel.

Hope you don't run into too many roadblocks while working on the plot ;)

EDIT: Huh, this is the 80th mod in my mod-holding folder! :p Sweeeeeeeeeet. I might even give the 88th a reward >_>
Aug 7, 2010 at 6:46 AM
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Yeah, it has, I haven't got around to it much, but I plan on working on it more now!

I'm going to update it soon to a new Beta.
Thank's about that, I plan on fixing the script and spelling error's when I come up with a definite plot.

Yeah, I plan on filling the empty space later on in the story, like maybe some bonus item's or something, anyway's they are going to be part of the game later on (At least, that's the plan)
The Save point was for testing purposes, when I release a proper version, that will be gone. (added it because the cut scenes used to be ALOT longer)

My friends like the elevator's too :D

Hmm, I use Cave Editor, that edit's weapon's pretty well (Not just sprites)
I put the EXP way up, but the weapon's also do a lot of damage, so I will probably need to make the enemies stronger if I want to keep it that way.

Me either!

YAY, 80th!

Thank's for the feedback!
Aug 7, 2010 at 6:57 AM
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Orite, I keep forgetting that CE can actually DO things >_> My bad.
Aug 7, 2010 at 8:32 PM
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P
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You know you can use .bmps in CaveEdit? So you can use Paint or whatever to make sprites.
Aug 7, 2010 at 8:59 PM
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It wasn't a long mod, just the first cave.
Aug 8, 2010 at 7:31 AM
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@thecrown: Yes, I found that out AFTER I had edited stuff. I might change it. I just open the PBM's with paint anyway's and CaveEditor fixes em for me

@WoodenRat: Yeah, sorry it's not very long at the moment, I haven't had much time to work on it, but now I do!!!

@DoubleThink: Lol, it's okay, sometimes I forget what it can do too :eek:
Aug 21, 2010 at 6:17 AM
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Hmm.. What to do?

I've worked a bit more on the sprites, but the weapon's still need a lot of work.

So here are my weapon ideas.

For the bubbler, I wanna have a permanent level 2 & 3, get rid of level 1, but with level 3, I want to have it so it doesn't do the shooting, just spawn's the bubbles.

Missile's, silver: A personal rocket system, like wrist rockets I guess. Not that strong, but can shoot fast, and 3 missiles at a time.

For the orange missile's, a bazooka. So I need to change it so it only shoots one rocket a time on all levels, but damage and sprites are different.

Keeping the sword, i think, just changing the colour's. My friend edited his so Level 3 doesn't move forward, just spans lot's of slashes (It's a bit hard to describe) Gonna call it the Vari Sword or something like that.

Polar star is now Dual pistol's, unfortunately, I can't have two pistol sprites and have it look like that. I think I made it so the shot's look more like two.

Spur is now an Ion Gun, not sure what to do with the Sprite, it only looks a little bit different. Probably keep it the same. If you change the EXP needed for each level, it would increase the charge time right? That way I could improve damage, but have it take longer.

The Nemesis is difficult. Sometimes I want it without smoke, so it's more like an energy weapon. But when I think about it, I want it more like a grappling hook or piercing weapon using EG: cold steel. Then I would keep the smoke.
Then I should see if I can get rid of the level up stuff and reverse so it's like a normal weapon. What do you guy's think?

The fireball is annoying. I don't know what I want to do with it. I was thinking of turning it into some sort of bomb like weapon, but im thinking it might be to hard. As it is the bullet sprites aren't all in bullet.pbm,
So I might juts change the bullet sprites and leave it at that.

Also not sure what to do with the snake. I want a sort of explosive weapon, but not sure. Maybe even a flamethrower. Ideas for a unique weapon that won't take to much editing would be great.

Wow, this post is gonna be big... Sorry in advance. Maybe you should take a break, next bit is a bit big...

As for the plot.
Main character is a blue quote, another model. So the story is gonna be a prequel. So there are gonna be three robot's now, Quote, Blue and Curly, but also Arthur and King.
Main charter is Blue, but with the Mimiga mask, Now legendary warrior's soul, you get to play as Arthur, but what do I replace to fit in King? See, I want all of them playable sort of. Maybe I won't, just leave them as NPC's.

Also, what about each character's personality? I don't have to worry about Quote's and curly's, cos they don't remember this bit, so I can mold them how I want. Should they be uncaring? Or compassionate?
Somehow I have to have Arthur's death explained, but the main story is set on the surface. maybe he will die in battle between the surface and the Mimiga's.

Maybe you guy's can help me out with a name for the main character?
(how do you put a poll in?)

Bit, Blue or Echo/Axl?
Blue, cos well his Blue and Bit is like a nickname
Echo cos it's sorta connected with Quote, and Axl as a more serious name. With this AXL could also be like Model name EG, AXL-322 "Echo"
And with Bit/Blue it could be "BLUE BIT" as in a company engraved on the robot. ??? Ideas anyone?

Ah well, so far you wake up in a capsule, in a ancient Lab, travel to the armory to get your guns and bust out the wall onto the "surface". So far I used Oside (The Outer Wall bit) tile set for it.

That's it so far, but this is what i'm thinking up ahead.
Add a map between the ancient shaft and the Mimiga town (Now the Surface) It's sorta like a tunnel or Air vent, and you bust out of the onto the Surface. But the reason for this map is when you travel back using another entrance it show's bit's of the lab or something, maybe where Quote and curly where stored? I have a issue with map design. I want the map's to look cool or look realistic/purposeful, not be good level design. So for a house, it would have door's that you can't enter as if there were more rooms. But that doesn't mean i'll be stubborn, level design is more important, I juts want the level to be describing something. As for the empty space in the "Ancient Shaft" map, I plan on using that later on in the game.
And back to topic: You travel to the left to reach an Outpost with a locked gate. You also learn that there is a war going on, and strange creature's are popping up. (so far you meet "Humans" later, but you encounter Mimiga's)
So the n you have to travel to the wasteland. There gonna be a few enemies here, and you get the key to unlock the gate.

Okay this post is too long now, so I'll try and describe stuff with less words.
You travel a bit, explore the Surface and the metal structure based over it (Which is what your'e walking on most of the time), travel inside it (probsbly replace Sandzone with this area) to a lift, explore a bit, and get to go to the island and help stop an invasion. Not sure what to do next, travel back to the surface, back to the lab, and onwards to whatever grass town turns into.

Outside and Plantation are prob's gonna be a airship or some other air structure/base.

End somewhere there with clues to the main game, and tie up plot ends.
Probably keep hell, just change it.

Anyway's sorry for such a big post. I think I got it all.

Some edited pbm's are attachment's on the mod's webpage sop you can see what they look like so far. (Scroll down to the bottom of page)
Aug 21, 2010 at 6:04 PM
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Wow, you really have me impressed.:D

The work that you have done so far looks very good, and your weapon ideas are very interesting.

A lot of your weapon ideas would require some assembly, but it looks like your friend has already started with some of that with that change in the Blade lvl. 3. There are a lot of easy assembly hacks that you can do with very minimal knowledge (it's only changing values).

This one covers polar star, fireball, and snake values.
This one only covers Machine gun values.

Cave editor lets you a lot with the weapon editor, but the only way to edit the onscreen limit is with a hex editor. This has the locations of all the values for everything that can be done in the weapon editor, as well as the onscreen limit).
Aug 22, 2010 at 10:39 AM
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Thanks, this'll helps me out alot!
Glad you like it
Aug 24, 2010 at 11:43 AM
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Just put an official Demo up.
Not too much changed in level design, but I fixed a lot of sprites and a bit of scripting
(Yet to clean it all out though)

I thought now would be a good time to as I am flattening out my plot and drawing up some concept art.