Jun 6, 2008 at 5:57 AM
Join Date: Mar 21, 2008
Location: Where you don't
Posts: 761
Age: 16
Hmmm... I dunno about OCRemixes or independant remixes, but I'm sure the Remix Project weren't made by ORGmakerfreezit4 said:Eh? Than they use MIDI trackers? Or FL? Or Buzz? Or whatever anything else?
The thing is, I need an instrument that sounds electric-guitar-like, and couldn't find it in the Orgmaker. But from the remixes, I found several of them, and I really fully assumed that they were made by Orgmaker. They weren't?
ORG is 2-d music while CSRP is 3d lawl.freezit4 said:Nah, the remixes themselves couldn't compare to the original actually.... except for the addition of those electric-guitar-like instruments which liven them up. Even that 'Never Die', though good as it is, takes too much of our listening time with kinda crepe.... too much redundancy ain't good... but the violin part was real nice, which is why I need the .orgzz to view from orgplayerzz