Dec 24, 2017 at 5:31 AM
Join Date: Jul 12, 2017
Location: <3
Posts: 204
Age: 21
Pronouns: she/her
--This does not represent who I am as a modder now; So I'm removing the download for good.--
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Well you have to remember that mods are usually quality over quantity. If you want to make a challenge mod, that's fine, just make it engaging; if you want to make it extremely hard, go for it, just make sure it's fun. Or even better, just put some time into a more thorough mod, you clearly show experience, you know exactly how to make mods. I think you can make a great mod, just have an idea an try to put it down; you show promise with these challenge mods; imagine what you could do with just a little more effort and don't be discouraged, take what people say about your challenge mods like errors and such and apply these changes to an actual mod.I just wanted to make a mod in under an hour ;-;
Didn't think it would be this bad...