Nov 4, 2010 at 6:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 8, 2009
Posts: 4
I was really disappointed to hear about this.
rainbowfission @ SuperMeatBoy
Any chance of Quote from Cave Story being a hidden guy in the PC version?
SuperMeatBoy @ rainbowfission
Unfortunately no, he was the only developer that flat out said no
We tried....a ton...
If by "he" they mean Pixel, I really am sad. Seemed like something he would have said yes to. How disappointing.
rainbowfission @ SuperMeatBoy
Any chance of Quote from Cave Story being a hidden guy in the PC version?
SuperMeatBoy @ rainbowfission
Unfortunately no, he was the only developer that flat out said no

If by "he" they mean Pixel, I really am sad. Seemed like something he would have said yes to. How disappointing.