Nov 5, 2010 at 3:31 AM
Join Date: Aug 9, 2010
Location: Greener Pastures
Posts: 1188
Age: 31
This is a part of my school project. In Spanish, we had to rcreate a piece of Spanish art, and our grades were based off of how unique we presented it. Drawing was out of the picture, so I had to find a way of presenting the art in a way no one had before. What we have here is the visual presentaion. I hacked Cave Story and put it on a projector for a school project. Take that world! I used a copy of my file for my mod "Towers" but deleted all the other maps so it they couldn't be seeb ahead of time. If anyone want's to see the sprite sheets I don't care, but I doubt anyone will download it anyway. The place only has two maps and no action. I only really uploaded it to share my sad story.
I would like to add that this was ONLY visual; any words you might expect were said by me in real life.
I would like to add that this was ONLY visual; any words you might expect were said by me in real life.