Please Read: IMPORTANT INFO: Regarding Forum Styles

Jul 9, 2006 at 2:14 AM
Visitor From the Past...
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Join Date: Jun 15, 2004
Location: Georgia
Posts: 367
Age: 44
Pronouns: he/him
Okay, so recently I created two new Cave Story Forum styles, one dark "Cave Story" and one light " Cave Story Light". When I first created the two styles I set the Cave Story Forum to use the dark style and override everyone's forum style settings so that they could see an immediate change and know that a new forum style choice is now available.

Since not everyone likes using the Cave Story Dark style, I set the forum back to it's original state so that there would be no stlye override, which basically means that anyone is able to view the forum in any style they wish to use.


For some reason, the forum styles started doing weird overriding measures that basically sent the forum style back to the "Default Style" any time they clicked on a link. After spending some time to figure out what exactly was wrong with this, the answer was quite simple.


Simply either LOG OUT or Refresh your internet browser's cookie settings. Once your cookies have been cleared, the next time you visit: you will see that you have to LOG IN again. When you LOG IN, you'll be able to choose whatever forum style you want to use and there should be no issues with one particular style overriding another.

I apologize for any incovenience this may cause some of you who are experiencing problems with the forum style(s).
